Julia Buterfly Hill- And I would it Redwood bark coated with lot's and lot's of meat. Tom Cruise- I would eat whatever would piss him off most. But some one seriously, I would love to sit down with Stan Lee. And I hope we would eat Guiness. Ps Chet, check yer PMS.
Steve Waugh (former Australian cricket captain) - sirloin steaks and BEER; The Dalai Lama - a delightful roast pumpkin and rocket salad; Dick Cheney - bleach.
- Girlfriend A from when I was 17 - Girlfriend B from 4 years ago - A couple of girls from high school that I never got anywhere with - A really hot stripper/prostitute who likes to party like a rock star and not get paid - Myself just to see how I am coming off with the ladies
I had a good run for about a week there where I was drinking every night, but I don't want to be doing that all the time. I don't have the good genetics for it.