Certainly not. If they were able to carry insurance on the house the insurance company should, though. Of course, in the case of natural disasters they should receive the same relief everyone else does... not that they need it, assuming they have financial reserves, which some of them are too stupid to maintain.
Yeah but if an insurance company is willing to take the risk on it they should have to pay out... after all, that's what the rich fucks were paying premiums on, right?
Ding, ding, ding, we have a winnar!!!! If the same percentage of their income goes to taxes as mine, or yours, then they should have every right to federal aid as the person whose single wide got sucked up in a tornado. Of course they dont, and probably wouldnt be satisfied with a FEMA trailer.
I love it. Class warfare works against the libs also it's their monster that they created. I personally am against the government subsidizing the insurance industry. It perpetuates the problem people put homes in bad areas knowing that the government has got them covered. An example of how big government creates a problem I will call reverse Darwinism.