"I Will Make New Orleans Chocolate again"

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Why can he get away with saying something like this and it not be raciest? I mean really come on. If something happened in a town with a white mayor. Then that same Mayor came out and Said I will make this Town Vanilla again. There would be Riots, Jessie Jackson would be on the ram page and Fox News would be talking about how can we remove this guy.

    Really this country is going to hell. I won't even get into him speaking about god sending Hurricanes.

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  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah Grim take any given day and look at violent crimes that occurred and you can pick out a few black on white crimes that if the colors were changed would be national headlines.
  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Part of the disparency in current US language is by a succesful black takeover of language as weapon. From "Hey Boy" to current "Thats my nigger" is a long cultural war.

    It could be that this rethoric has served its purpose and should be considered obsolete. The relativity of the "N"word could well create a caste-reality by its ethnic and cultural context.

    The lack of balance of justice as pertaining black/white goes in both directions. The major injustice seems to be the number of afroamericans serving in prison. ( This dates back to the age of segregation ).

    The overrepresentation of said group in crimes not white collar must be seen in the light of this fact. But yes, chocolate city sounds pretty stupid.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    We sort of went over this on the Tookie Williams post. And like Barry for me this is a bit of a sore subject as I have lived a life of false accusations of bigotry having been born and raised in the south.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say :x that this is an example of what Smiley was saying as his last post in that thread.

    The fact is the theme song for that catastrophe should have been "Bridge over troubled water" by Simon and Garfunkle a chance to close the racial divide. The fact is without a thing changed action wise. With just a simple change in rhetoric it could have been that way a show of proof of American compassion and solidarity in a time of need.

    The media saw a chance to pull at the strings of hatred to achieve an objective. Objective successfully achieved.
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Nagins divine wrath IRAQ, comes after divine wrath NewOrleans by some biblethumper or other. Divinewrath Sharon by B.Puchanan is a prime example of the takeover of politics by primitive forces. GotMitUns and priests and mullahs whipping the believers to greater frenzy. Forgetting the scientific backbone of current problems. G-d have mercy on us all.
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Come on Grim, ease up. It's a small price to pay for not being thrown in jail as much, not having to be with a black woman, being able to go to an interview a little more disheveled and unprepared but still get the job, being capable of buying off a black person's island after they can't pay the taxes then open a hotel called The Plantation that now has a predominantly black crew working for it... among other things.
  7. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Face it New Orleans would be nothing without black people. Blues, Jazz, everthing that makes New Orleans different including the French Quarter stems right from the black man.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dang... I thought the French Qtr. stemmed from France.
  9. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Trying to get back on topic.

    Here is his exact quote and a link to the video clip of that part of his speech.

    MAYOR RAY NAGIN: We as black people, it’s time, it’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans and I don’t care what people are saying uptown or wherever they are, this city will be chocolate at the end of the day.


    I understand that he wanted to re-assure the citizens of the parts of town that were most affected that after they re-built, those citizens would be able to come back.

    Before the storm hit those areas were predominately black. I don't think that people of New Orleans were completely blind to the potential danger of having a city built below sea level. It makes sense that the poorer neighborhoods were at the lowest elevation.

    I don't think that was any kind of a strategic move but it's just what happens over time when people decide to spend money to build something. They inevitably take potential flooding into consideration when they're looking for a location on which to build it.

    The people from those areas are seeing their homes bulldozed. They're scared that they're going to lose the opportunity to come back if what gets re-built is too expensive. A lot of these people are really poor.

    This Mayor Nagin seems like a good guy to me. He just doesn’t have the capacity for lying that many, more polished politicians seem to have.

    His voice seems to change with the color of his intended audience but I think he was just trying his hardest to relate to the people.

    Maybe he didn't think he was on camera?

    The Black Power armband might be a little over the top too.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The Mayor spoke to the people like a politician talks to a group of people. He knows that culture and what they want to hear and told them just that. Personally I do not have a huge problem with him probably a likeable guy. The fact of the matter is though the statement is racist. Another fact is that it got very little media attention. Swap the scenario around and have a white mayor say the same thing what kind of media attention would that get?

    A white conservative politician would have been pummelled by the media for making a simular statement.

    Personally JEFE I feel he is justified in making it due to the reasons layed out.

    The point is he said something and was given a pass that others are not allowed.
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So what you're trying to tell me is that any time a white person with influence says anything racist the media goes up in arms? I think you over-estimate the amount that they care. The reason this didn't get any attention from the media is because the Mayor of New Orleans is nobobdy. Before Katrina, did you know or care who this guy was?
  12. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Yeah, he's kind of like Paris Hilton. Katrina was his sex-tape.

    Still, his whole city was washed away. Give the guy a break.
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    No breaks, this was a fuck-up all the way from the bottom to the top. I'm not letting Bush off the hook for this, nor am I going to let the Mayor, or the fucking idiot Governor. Hooray for Arnold, he at least could kick someones ass, even if he doesn't know what he's doing.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Personally JEFE I feel he (Nagin) is justified in making it due to the reasons laid out.

    From what I can tell he seems more genuine than others. I can't say I care as much for the Governor.

    Katrina was a gamble, evacuation cost the city lots of money. The gamble was to:

    A. Not evacuate and hope for the best. Think about it if the levies had not been breached there would not have been a problem.

    B. Evacuate in the last minute leave it up to the people to provide there way out.

    C. Play it safe, do a mandatory evacuation and mobilize all forms of public transportation for the purpose of evacuating people that needed a means to evacuate.

    So he probably looked at it like this.

    A. Greatest risk to the people huge payoff if Katrina turns out to be a non-event.

    B. Safest bet for political reasons he can say he did evacuate. With the least cost to the city.

    C. Safest bet for the people, the more risky political gamble however.

    A big problem however is with the people regardless of what you do. Several still will stay back

    For those who do not understand American government. A number which includes most of the population due to the dumbing down of the American school system. It is not the Federal governments responsibility until the state requests assistance. The Federal government had made request to the governor to allow them in and were denied. Also the timeline has been exaggerated as for the federal reaction time in a manner to be most damaging to the feds. If you look at the time at which the hurricane hit New Orleans was not at that time in trouble. New Orleans was in serious trouble a few days later. During this time the Feds were working to provide relief in Mississippi and Alabama.

    But it works really well for those who like to stir the hatred. New Orleans will be used as a tool to stir the hatred for decades from now.
  15. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Funny, they were so nice to Clinton with that whole Whitewater scandal, and they brushed right over that whole Lewinski thing, they didn't make a spectacle at all of that.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Actually Dio although you are being facetious, it is true White water was a total cover up by the media. On so many levels the media delayed as much as possible then misinformed when it could. Ask the average person for all the so called media attention "what was Whitewater all about" they have not a clue except for the misleading talking points.

    As for Lewinski.... the Loural security incident in China made me hate Clinton. Lewinski gives me something to use against him. I will never miss the chance to remind Joe q public what the definition of White House Humidor if it makes Willy look like the lowly pervert that he obviously is on top of his other shortcomings.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You're bias is showing, the media wasn't exactly nice to Clinton either, but your bitching about how they're critical of the Bush Administration. Face it, you live in a country with representative government. If half the people being represented are stupid then half the representatives are going to present what those idiots want. Deal with it.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I Hate Clinton true, it’s impossible to be totally unbiased we can only try. Fact is Clinton gave his critics much ammunition to use against him and much that the media would eventually have to air.

    But turn the tables, if GW had sex with a teenage intern, and everyone covering the Whitehouse knew about it. How long would the major media sit on the story while it got out on alternative outlets? Outlets like left wing radio, and Art Bell.

    I could not count the ridiculous things Clinton did that were examples of bad moral judgment or poor character on both hands and feet.

    What pisses me off is what he did to our countries security, what he did to undermine our own country in the world arena. And because if it how the America hating world just loves him for it and the media just loves to show how loved he is.

    Fuck that sorry ass bastard! I would pay a year’s salary to be there at his deathbed, just to what that fucker die. I want to see the panic in his eyes just before the lights go out and he finally realizes there is at least one important person he was unable to con.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    George W. has had some people of questionable morals in his white house. Karl Rove and Jim Guckert in particular come to mind.

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