Now I'm not a big nascar fan nor am I a redneck,but actually going to a race is fun as hell. Those fuckers haul major ass,it's pretty sweet. And in between races it's just a big ass drunken party,which I'm all about. The only thing I really regret was not bringing my digital camera. Man,there were some prize winning mullets walking around that place. I felt like the crocodile guy "And look at this specimen over here! Notice the finely groomed 2 feet of hair hanging off the back of his head. Gorgeous!!!" ------------------ What do I feel?What do I say? Fuck you! It all goes away.
Man I wish I could have been there with you guys. AIN'T HE A BEAUTY?!?!? ------------------ What the HELL is up wit your eye?
me, you , and IHN should get together and go to a race sometime... eaither that or go to "Mule Days" in Benson NC... Man thats fun for all.. Ill wear a long sleve turtle neck so those cock bags can't see my tattoos... ------------------ Im Chocked full of Iconoclast and its pronounced like this
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children: me, you , and IHN should get together and go to a race sometime... eaither that or go to "Mule Days" in Benson NC... Man thats fun for all.. Ill wear a long sleve turtle neck so those cock bags can't see my tattoos... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LMAO! We should have a FUGLY contingent at Mule Days.... Of course, IMC, you know they don't let niggers in Mule Days..sorry about your luck...
What the hell is a mule day? Is that when all you hicks round up yer pertiest mules and show them off? I hear you on the tatoos IMC, hicks just doen't really get it. I was at a public pool in Fairmont with some family and this guy some up to me and says "Those are some perty tattoos you got there". I felt like taking some steel wool to my shoulders so that would never happen again. ------------------ Tag lines are for pussies.
Mule days is like the "redneck worlds fair" they drink corn liquor in the streets, have a rodeo, shoot guns, and like IHN said, there are NOOOOOOO black people there... its a good ole time for one and all... I remember my dad took me there when I was like 10 or something, they were giving out free pouches of chewing tabbacco, and everyone was bragging about who had the biggest belt buckle... I remember seeing a rodeo guy with a huge shiney one.. I thought it was a wrestling belt at first... silly huh?
Accually, it is... you should come down for it... funniest shit you have ever seen... Make sure you have your vid cam ready when you hear "Hey Ya'll Watch Dis!"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by timeforyumyums: Man I wish I could have been there with you guys. AIN'T HE A BEAUTY?!?!? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DANGER DANGER DANGER!! LMAO!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GreenAppleSplatters: Fuck you! Just fuck you! Damn fuck shit ass fuck puusy cock shit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What the fuck climbed up our ass turned around and shit twice? BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ I look at my life and the way that is has gone and I just end up saying..."Why bother?"