last week and I am really relieved. I suggest that anyone who hates their job do the same. It was quit or end up in jail for murder.
Isn't a letter of resignation the most thrilling thing every? Good for you Pukey. Enjoy the high. Barry
I don't give notice. I have only done that once. I just handed my door card in and said "I'm done" . We got bought out by a bunch of Indians and my American pride couldn't deal. They also moved our office out of state, so that was just the icing on the cake. I also had two fat bitches hating on me and I left work one day and almost came back with my shotgun, so I did the wise thing and quit.
Don't you just hate when insecure, fat women do that? I swear, this one woman at work, I'd love to let down a few of her "spare tyres".
You're right. Some people should die but I would rather do something to their family. It would hurt them more. I think I may turn them into Children's Services for abusing their kids.
i quite my job recently too the planets must be in place or something maybe where gonna have a war or something if so ive got odds at 1000-1 that the yanks start it.
Good for you Nauseous I mean one day I will hopefully find something I truly enjoy and make lots of money doing it at the same time. Until then I'm fairly content where I'm at. But it gets so annoying when you work with one of those negative types that bitch about everything. I say either do something about to make a change so you are happy of fuck it quit. If you cannot do either of those then you got no right to bitch. There are lots of jobs out there just few worthwhile careers.
Office Space the movie was awsome anyone who has ever worked at an office can relate to that movie. Now I understand there is an office space sitcom?