First of all..everybody here can suck my cock. I'm back. I broke out of the trailer trash spic bitch's closet and cut her fucking head off while she slept, then I rescued her fucking loser animals. Maybe cheesdick will want to marry what is left of her. then I came home and killed all the Mexicans that were hiding in my wife's closet, and at the moment my wife is doing her wifley duty while the police have my house surrounded. So before they cut my phine line off...FUCK ALL OF YOU!
that wasnt me! u didnt kill me! the guy that i had locked up in my closet - i got him drunk and let him go. i havent seen or heard of him since. maybe it was a bad idea to leave him walking on a creekbed...hmmm. anyways, like i said, i dont live in a trailer, so you were kidnapped by someone else. assmuncher
What's a "phine line"? I've been told I was walking a fine line between sanity and insanity. Is a "phine line" similar to a "fine line"?
it's a fine line between genius and insanity.. (and a precarious perch.. so don't loiter too long.. unless you have a strong sense of yourself/reality) and i think he's on about his phone line.
Quit your botching you fuckbag, I know you jerk off to the dildo cam in you get your 3 bucks worth. Now if fugly only gave out packs of new tube socks instead of t-shirts, I bet you would buy a membership