Look there is not much I give a crap about, As many of you know. But there is one thing I love and that's dogs. I know how much they mean to people. How they can really help people thru tough spots in there life. Well here is a link to the Washington Post Article. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/19/AR2005111901449.html I have wrote all of my congressman about this and a few other states also. I plan on writing all 50 states congressman. This girl deserves to have this dog it is her dog. Please help give her what she wants.
She EARNED it. Jez ! I thought you guys went to WAR down there. The dog is not a pussy caught on a branch to high. The washington post is no fireman braving the tree to save grannies cat. Sorry ! How about the dog being transfered to explo-duty at airports ? . New York Subways ? Maybe the girl could come along as well. A weelchair would not be much impediment at an airport i think. Now adays you can get good german chemical sniffers, but i doubt they are a match for a dog. GunsDontKill!-NRA WhatWereTheyDoing?MichaelMoore
She and her furbuddy deserve to be together. For what it's worth, I will put the word out where I can, and contact my state's legislators as well.