I have a friend, a glassblowing friend, She is a vid collector of "squished" pennies, she is going to try and collect enough fo the guiness record (there isn't one yet) but this is where i need youse guys, she needs people to send her squished pennies, here is a site that shows you where they are located globally (not all but a lot ) http://pennycollector.com/ .If you can get me a penny, IM or PM me, so I can make arrangements for you to mail hem to me (more the merrier) and help her out. I'll try to make it up to you somehow. Thanks in advance.
yeah but if you have ONE, and make a record of one, pay the $200 bucks to claim that record, then some ass can challenge it for $50 and have 40 of them. Also Guiness has a standard "is this a legitimate record?" So people can't say "wow I had the worlds longest nosebleed, 2 minutes"
yeah, you can't just say "im gonna set a record, and BAM!" Gueiness is a business, a very lucrative one
I remember when I was a kid seeing the old Happy Days Episode with the catching change off your elbow. Man I use to work on that and work on that. I think I got up to like 45 quarters.
I know that dickhead but whats the 'heres a site that shows where they can be located globably'?? pennys are everywhere what the fuck does that mean,think janet and john books dwaine use small words and pictures if possible.
Aaaah now its all making sense,i live 250 miles away from london and i aint going all that way just to get you some stretched pennys,hope that helped you out dude.
Oh, I thought I had to place them on the railroad tracks like I did as a kid. I'll see what I can come up with.
I think there is a place here in town that has one of those machines. I think it's 50 cents a pop I will run and see if they still have it. I will do a couple if it's still there.
Why doesn't she just buy a sledge hammer and smash her own pennies? Do they have to be imprinted, like the ones you get from those souvenir machines? When I first read your post, I thought you said she was a video collector of smashed penises.
See dwaine its not just me thats confused easily,is that all you want the stretched pennys from the souvenir machines cos i could get you a blackpool tower one or a southport pier one or a wigan pier one or even a beatles one i go to liverpool regular id be happy to help,fuck me that was hard work you sure your not female dwaine?
God I must be going nuts. The first time I read this I thought you said that "she is a vid collector of squished penises."
it's supposed to say an avid collector of squashed pennies. I think she wants to set the record"largest collector of squashed pennies from around the world" I guess technically you could get a sledge hammer and smash them all day, but the souvenir ones are just nicer. Im sure you can google videos of squashed penises, and there is a website for you out there