Because people we're making fun of his daughter, calling her "retarded", etc., when in fact, she wasn't at all--she just had some learning disabilities; that, essentially, is what started the argument bewtween me and Nutsey in the Cold Sober forum.
wrong... barry emailed me, he told me he did not like the person he was becoming because of this place. it was pulling hima away from his family, wife, and religion. He would be delighted to recive email from anyone (real email, noit just pics of deseased vaginas) P.S> his daughter did upset hi, but shes a big girl...
Not at all...I'm always the first to admit something when I feel I've been wrong; it | is good to know, me a favor and PM me his e-mail addy...I'd appreciate it.
*Lou Rawls voice*...Oh yeah baby. "You'll never find..Whoa, I'm not tryin' to make you stay, baby But I know some how, some day, some way You are (you're gonna miss my lovin') You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin') You're gonna miss my lovin' (you're gonna miss my lovin') You're gonna miss, you're gonna miss my lo-o-ove..."