obviously you have never been to one of my family reunions. There are two extremes, Christian, and I just pissed my pants because I am drunk.
No but now, I definately will attend one. Can you make sure your drunk christian family member with the two lazy eyes is there, that would take the day from great to spectacular.
At least wit two bad eyes you dont try to look at them, it makes you wonder why they cant get that straightened out. I have 2nd nephew that had a weak eye, but they just put a patch over his good eye and in months it was stronger and you couldnt notice the lazy one. of course he was like 6 when they did that so there may be an advantage of catching it when they are small
So do the people with the lazy eye see any differently? I've never asked. I know a guy with one and I can't tell if he's looking at me or to my left and the other one is just "accidentally" in my direction. I try to stare at the bridge of his nose. Anyone familar with lazy eye protocol?