I just have no luck with women....

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Ulfur Engil, Oct 2, 2002.

  1. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    ulfur_engil: Hey girl!
    ulfur_engil: You never messaged me back b4..
    sassy_woman78: A/S/L PLZ
    ulfur_engil: 28/b/PA
    ulfur_engil: Dont you remembver me?
    sassy_woman78: LOL OK
    sassy_woman78: IM SORRY
    sassy_woman78: NO I DONT REALLY THOUGH
    sassy_woman78: PLZ FORGIVE ME LOL
    ulfur_engil: I compared myself to Sherman Helmsley one time..
    sassy_woman78: LOL
    ulfur_engil: 'The dude from the Jeffersons..
    sassy_woman78: OH YEA LOL
    sassy_woman78: I GOT U NOW LOL
    sassy_woman78: HOW R U?
    ulfur_engil: Yup...
    ulfur_engil: I'm chillin...
    ulfur_engil: How u Be doin these days?
    sassy_woman78: IM GOOD
    sassy_woman78: I WAS OUT IN PHILLY IN AUGUST LOL
    ulfur_engil: Were U?
    ulfur_engil: Why didn't you hook up?
    sassy_woman78: YEA
    sassy_woman78: LOL DIDNT HAVE NO NUMBER LOL
    sassy_woman78: NOTHIN LOL
    ulfur_engil: Aw shit...LOL
    ulfur_engil: Naw, I didn't..
    sassy_woman78: LOL
    sassy_woman78: HA HA HA
    ulfur_engil: Anyhoo...was it fun?
    sassy_woman78: NO U DIDNT LOL
    sassy_woman78: YEA I LOVE IT OUT THERE
    ulfur_engil: You comin back out?
    sassy_woman78: WE STAYED IN RUNEMEDE ? NJ
    sassy_woman78: YEA
    sassy_woman78: SOON IM HOPING TO
    ulfur_engil: That would be Camden County...I knows that...
    sassy_woman78: YEA
    sassy_woman78: THATS IT
    ulfur_engil: Yup...I knows that good...
    sassy_woman78: THATS COOL
    ulfur_engil: I been out there a number of times..
    sassy_woman78: LOL
    ulfur_engil: So...what you doing right now?
    sassy_woman78: NOTHIN
    sassy_woman78: GETTIN TIRED LOL
    sassy_woman78: CAN I ASK WHAT UR NAME IS LOL
    ulfur_engil: It is Terrel...what is yours?
    sassy_woman78: DESTINY
    ulfur_engil: Destiny...fitting, if I may say so.
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: So, you tired and what not?
    sassy_woman78: kinda yea
    ulfur_engil: How come?
    sassy_woman78: more bored than anything lol
    sassy_woman78: cuz im bored lol and lonely
    sassy_woman78: lmaooo
    ulfur_engil: Well, can I do anythings good?
    ulfur_engil: To make you feel warmer and less lonely?
    sassy_woman78: if u were here u could lol
    ulfur_engil: Well, I can always simulate it, you know....I'm good for that.
    ulfur_engil: You have my ..pic still?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: no i dont think so i had to go and erase everything lol
    ulfur_engil: Okay...can U hold on a sec?
    sassy_woman78: ok
    ulfur_engil: I had to erase everything too....so I have everythings on my CD-
    ulfur_engil: Rs..
    ulfur_engil: OOps..
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: You gots that okay?
    ulfur_engil: Destiny?
    sassy_woman78: no
    sassy_woman78: ok
    ulfur_engil: You didn't get that?
    sassy_woman78: yea i got it
    sassy_woman78: ur sexy baby
    ulfur_engil: OkY...SO i SENT YOU THE RIGHT PICTURE.
    ulfur_engil: Whoops..LOL
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: u standing up yea
    ulfur_engil: Sorry...my typings sloppy and whathow..
    ulfur_engil: Yup..
    sassy_woman78: u ahve all ur clothes on lol
    ulfur_engil: Sorry....I never got a shot of my goods..
    sassy_woman78: no its ok
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: u just said that bout sending the right pic lol
    ulfur_engil: So, you okay with me and my clothes?
    sassy_woman78: oh yes
    sassy_woman78: very much so lol
    ulfur_engil: Good...I always aim to please..
    ulfur_engil: EspeciALLY you...
    sassy_woman78: lol u r so sweet
    ulfur_engil: I haven't not thought of you since we last talked months ago..
    sassy_woman78: yea right lol
    ulfur_engil: You tooo...my girily girly from Illinois..
    ulfur_engil: That where you from, isn't it?
    sassy_woman78: ha ha
    sassy_woman78: nope
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: No?
    ulfur_engil: Wait...you told me Illinois before...
    sassy_woman78: nope
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Chicago, I thought you said...
    ulfur_engil: Where are U from?
    sassy_woman78: lmaoo
    sassy_woman78: mich
    ulfur_engil: Michigan?!?!
    ulfur_engil: Why did I think Chicago?
    ulfur_engil: Are you near there?
    sassy_woman78: lol i dont know u gettin me mixed up now
    sassy_woman78: lo
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: 7 hrs away
    ulfur_engil: No, I'm not....is your hair still long and curly?
    sassy_woman78: lol yea
    ulfur_engil: See? I'm not gettin you THAT mixed up...
    ulfur_engil: And you still have that sweeet pretty face?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: ur lookin at my pic lol
    sassy_woman78: arent u lol
    ulfur_engil: I had your pic saved a while ago...
    ulfur_engil: Is it still on your profile?
    sassy_woman78: lol i think so
    ulfur_engil: Okay...then that the same pic..
    sassy_woman78: might noe be the same
    sassy_woman78: r u lookin at it?
    ulfur_engil: Was it a webcam pic?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    ulfur_engil: yup...you lookin at an angle all sexy and what not...
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: ty
    sassy_woman78: u r to kind
    ulfur_engil: You soo welcome girly..
    ulfur_engil: You so nice and beautiful...
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: How can I not B kind?
    sassy_woman78: u r a sweet talker baby
    sassy_woman78: lol i love it lol
    ulfur_engil: Good...what else do U love?
    sassy_woman78: meaning?
    ulfur_engil: Well, whatever U want...
    ulfur_engil: I am not tryin to B pushy.
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: ok
    ulfur_engil: So...anyhoo...what U like from a black man?
    ulfur_engil: (Sorry, that WAS pushy...)
    sassy_woman78: i love they way they treat me
    sassy_woman78: no itsnot
    sassy_woman78: im not shy lol
    ulfur_engil: Good...Black Mens treat you Good?
    sassy_woman78: yes
    sassy_woman78: and i love it
    ulfur_engil: That's great. I always like a good example to B set B4 me..
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: never once has a black man made me feel bad cuz im thick
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: You thick? What do you mean? You are pretty depthful...
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Well, what did U mean?
    sassy_woman78: i have thighs lol and ghetto booty
    ulfur_engil: Hey, having thighs and booty are the best things a black man could ask for..
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: We know their valus..
    ulfur_engil: value*\
    sassy_woman78: and i love that lol
    ulfur_engil: Sorry...my typing B really bad tonite..
    sassy_woman78: np
    ulfur_engil: I love that too..
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Your full thighs and ass are the most beautiful things I set eyes on..
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: I can tell just from the pics..you are so beautifully shaped.
    sassy_woman78: i have another one that is bad but it tells a lil bout my shape lol
    ulfur_engil: No man could ever resist...baby, U got back.
    ulfur_engil: U do?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Well, U want to send it?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    sassy_woman78: ..one sec
    ulfur_engil: Im sorry I don't have one 2 share..
    sassy_woman78: and its urs lol
    ulfur_engil: Sure.
    sassy_woman78: its ok lol
    ulfur_engil: Man...no one tell you you ugly....you B one of the the most beautiful girlys I ever seen...and I mean that..
    sassy_woman78: u r playin
    sassy_woman78: but thank you
    ulfur_engil: Na I am not...
    ulfur_engil: You are of the perfect dimensions..
    sassy_woman78: lol ty
    ulfur_engil: Botticelli figure...which is the most perfect..
    ulfur_engil: I love that sooo much..
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Can I ask U something?
    sassy_woman78: sure
    ulfur_engil: Have U ever cybered before?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: i have
    sassy_woman78: lol why?
    ulfur_engil: Well, even though U have only seen one pic, would U ever consider it with me?
    sassy_woman78: i think i would u r a cutie and u r so sweet lol
    sassy_woman78: the real thing would be better
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: ha
    ulfur_engil: I know I agree completely.....but 4 now...
    sassy_woman78: mmmmm
    sassy_woman78: yea
    ulfur_engil: Mmmm....
    sassy_woman78: u tell me how u r in bed plzzz
    ulfur_engil: I am like Tony the Tiger...U know how he is?
    sassy_woman78: lolno
    ulfur_engil: He is GRRRrrreat!!!
    sassy_woman78: mmmmm
    sassy_woman78: i like to hear that
    sassy_woman78: what do u like to do
    ulfur_engil: I like to go down on a girly....I know how much she loves that...
    sassy_woman78: mmmmmm
    sassy_woman78: oh yea
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: I like to tell her how beautiful she is when I am down there..
    ulfur_engil: That every dimension of her is to die 4..
    sassy_woman78: mmmmm
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: u r to perfect lol
    ulfur_engil: U like that? Well, U fiot that perfectly...
    ulfur_engil: I could go down and tell U that your legs are prefect...
    sassy_woman78: i like
    sassy_woman78: mmmmmm
    ulfur_engil: And that your breastes are a prize...
    ulfur_engil: And that your booty is a champions trophy..
    sassy_woman78: and u r the chapion?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: No...whay would I B a champion...
    ulfur_engil: When with you...I am a Holy Man?
    ulfur_engil: You are not a mere prize...U are a religious effigy.
    sassy_woman78: where did u come from lol
    sassy_woman78: we need more of u baby
    ulfur_engil: From heaven...jusnlike U.
    sassy_woman78: aweee u r so sweet lol
    sassy_woman78: when did u say ur commin to mich
    sassy_woman78: lmaoo
    sassy_woman78: im playin
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Yup, maybe sometimes soon...LOL
    ulfur_engil: Now, where was I?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: ON your thighs?
    sassy_woman78: oh yea lol
    ulfur_engil: Yea...I run my tongue up and down your sweet supple legs for a bit...
    sassy_woman78: mmm bab y
    ulfur_engil: Then, up 2 your navel....
    sassy_woman78: oohhhhhh
    ulfur_engil: And play my tongue around 4 a bit..
    sassy_woman78: mmm my hands runnin on ur head
    ulfur_engil: Mmmm....feelin your hands just makes me peaceful...
    ulfur_engil: I make my way up more...
    sassy_woman78: mmmmmm
    ulfur_engil: Finding your perfect breastes..
    sassy_woman78: uuuuhhhhh
    sassy_woman78: i moam lightly
    sassy_woman78: moan
    ulfur_engil: Mmmm....I flick my tongue on your nipples..
    sassy_woman78: uuhhh baby
    ulfur_engil: Goooddd....I make my tongue up 2 your ear...
    sassy_woman78: mmmmmm
    sassy_woman78: ur warm mouth feels so good
    ulfur_engil: And your skin tastes so sweet...
    ulfur_engil: You know that feeling U getting right now?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    sassy_woman78: mmmm
    ulfur_engil: My manhood...finding you...
    sassy_woman78: uuuhhhhhhhhhh
    ulfur_engil: You wayy too perfect of a lock for my key not to fit...
    sassy_woman78: i feel u and u r so hard
    sassy_woman78: u feel so good
    ulfur_engil: Mnnn....I flirt around your clit for a bit...
    ulfur_engil: And then find your sweet opening...
    sassy_woman78: oohhhh
    sassy_woman78: mmmmmm baby
    ulfur_engil: I gently slide in U first...
    ulfur_engil: Feeling Ur every bit O goodness..
    sassy_woman78: uuhhhhhhhhh
    ulfur_engil: Mmmmm...girly...
    sassy_woman78: yeaaa
    ulfur_engil: aND THEN...i PUSH JUS A LITTLE HARDER...
    sassy_woman78: uuhhhh
    sassy_woman78: yesss
    ulfur_engil: And then once again...harder and more passionate..
    sassy_woman78: my arms r tight around u
    sassy_woman78: ohhhh yea baby
    ulfur_engil: I feel U grip my black skin..
    ulfur_engil: And I grip yours..
    ulfur_engil: We slam into each other..
    sassy_woman78: oooohhhh
    sassy_woman78: u feel so good
    sassy_woman78: i moan louder and louder
    ulfur_engil: Thinking..."U are the best I have ever concieved to have!"...
    ulfur_engil: I moan too...
    sassy_woman78: mmmmmm
    ulfur_engil: I slam into U sooo hard...
    sassy_woman78: YEESSSSS
    sassy_woman78: deeper baby
    ulfur_engil: U are making me throb...
    ulfur_engil: Ohhhh....
    sassy_woman78: mmmmm
    ulfur_engil: I feel your clit pulsate..
    sassy_woman78: yess
    sassy_woman78: throbbing for u baby
    sassy_woman78: wanting more of u
    ulfur_engil: We are both at our verge...
    sassy_woman78: uuuhhhhh
    ulfur_engil: Slammming into each other madly..
    sassy_woman78: oh yessssss
    sassy_woman78: more baby
    ulfur_engil: More and more....our pelvises..grind...
    sassy_woman78: god yesss
    ulfur_engil: And grind as we penetrate..
    sassy_woman78: u feel so good
    ulfur_engil: U do too...
    sassy_woman78: uuhhhh
    sassy_woman78: ohhhhh
    sassy_woman78: yessssss
    ulfur_engil: Yes....I feel ti comming...
    sassy_woman78: ohh yessssssss
    ulfur_engil: Are U feeling it too?
    ulfur_engil: *SLams into U*
    sassy_woman78: oohhh godddddd
    sassy_woman78: yesssssss
    sassy_woman78: faster
    sassy_woman78: baby
    sassy_woman78: yesssssssss
    ulfur_engil: Cum $ me baby, girly..
    ulfur_engil: 4 meee....sum girl.
    ulfur_engil: cum*
    sassy_woman78: im gonna cummmmmmmm
    sassy_woman78: all over u
    ulfur_engil: Mnnn...me too...
    sassy_woman78: ohhhhhhh
    ulfur_engil: Ho girl..
    sassy_woman78: yessssssssssssss
    ulfur_engil: Oh..
    ulfur_engil: Girl...Im cumming...
    sassy_woman78: yesssssssssss
    sassy_woman78: deepppppppppp
    ulfur_engil: OMG...
    ulfur_engil: Girl....cummmmming...
    sassy_woman78: YESSSSSSSSS
    sassy_woman78: UHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    ulfur_engil: OOOOOMMMMMGGGGG....
    sassy_woman78: MMMMMMMMMM
    sassy_woman78: BAB Y
    ulfur_engil: Oh girl....I just did...
    sassy_woman78: MMMMMM
    sassy_woman78: feels soooo gooood
    ulfur_engil: Oh girly...
    ulfur_engil: Thats so beautiful..
    ulfur_engil: U did?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    sassy_woman78: that was very nice
    ulfur_engil: That was nice.
    sassy_woman78: to bad ur so far away
    sassy_woman78: i loved it lol
    ulfur_engil: Can I tell u something?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    ulfur_engil: That was the best I had, seriously girly?
    sassy_woman78: no way
    ulfur_engil: It was, I tell U...
    ulfur_engil: Can I tell U sometihng else?
    sassy_woman78: yea
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: *Wipes shoe polis off face*...I'm not a nigger..
    sassy_woman78: lmaoooooooooo
    ulfur_engil: This is a purebred honky here...
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: You just got an orgasm from a 100% Aryan!
    sassy_woman78: i love it
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Wow...converting you FROM the drak side was easy then...
    ulfur_engil: dark*
    sassy_woman78: lmaoooo
    sassy_woman78: u r to funny
    ulfur_engil: Because....once you go white...you know its RIGHT!!
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: u have got be joking me lol
    sassy_woman78: color dosent make the man
    sassy_woman78: really
    ulfur_engil: Nope...this is a purebred white man..
    sassy_woman78: its whats in the man
    ulfur_engil: Lack of color makes the man...and that is what I am..
    sassy_woman78: lol i knew u were to sweet to be true lol
    ulfur_engil: Come on...you know you can do better than thos eSambo wassermellon crack-smokers in Mich...
    ulfur_engil: You can!!
    sassy_woman78: i have 2 white kids
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: i know i can
    ulfur_engil: So, you have no excuse..
    sassy_woman78: no lol
    sassy_woman78: whos pic lol
    ulfur_engil: So, why do you insist on fucking niggers?
    ulfur_engil: Fucked if I know...some nigger's?
    sassy_woman78: i dont but to be honest they havent treated me half as bad as the white guys i have dated
    ulfur_engil: You never dated Aurthur Bowmar...
    sassy_woman78: why all the bull shit though
    ulfur_engil: He treated his white bitch really good...
    ulfur_engil: Donkey Punched her, ass-raped her and everything..
    ulfur_engil: Why? Well...
    ulfur_engil: Because, my good friend Cheezedawg (Cheeze, you never said THIS, I just lied...) said I could never cyber with a whigger...so, guess what...
    ulfur_engil: I DID!
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Hey, What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    ulfur_engil: Niggers.
    sassy_woman78: what
    sassy_woman78: ur an ass lol
    sassy_woman78: did u get off?
    ulfur_engil: Why do niggers stink?
    ulfur_engil: Because the blind can hate them, too...
    ulfur_engil: Well, I dreamed about peeing in your ass...
    ulfur_engil: Does that count?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: thats good cuz i didnt do nothin but type anywasy
    ulfur_engil: So, do you have any daughters?
    sassy_woman78: cant get off in front of a pc need a real black man in bed with me theyu know how to fuck better than any white man ever could and baby that includes ur sorry no good lame white ass
    ulfur_engil: And if so....are they tighter than your used-up piece of twat?
    ulfur_engil: And whose website did you copy that from?
    sassy_woman78: yea yea
    sassy_woman78: go away
    sassy_woman78: honkey
    Yahoo! Messenger: sassy_woman78 has logged out. (10/3/2002 at 1:08 AM)
    ulfur_engil: Pathetic pile of retard...fucking have toi copy from someone else site..
    ulfur_engil: You are one step away from niggerhood, aren't you?
    ulfur_engil: Stupid black banana smoking cunt whore..
    sassy_woman78: u nasty white peice of trash, u just jelous cuz no black man would give u his big thick cock
    ulfur_engil: Nah....I jus want to turn a whigger in the right path...
    ulfur_engil: So you be eatin less wassermellons..
    ulfur_engil: And more aryan uncircumcised pricks!!
    ulfur_engil: You there, nigger-fucker?
    ulfur_engil: Um....race traitor?
    ulfur_engil: Sambo-slammer?
    sassy_woman78: if u knew how to treat women we wouldnt have to find men who do
    ulfur_engil: I know how to treat women perfectly well...
    sassy_woman78: yea yea
    ulfur_engil: Stick a cock in her mouth, and she will shut the fuck up..
    ulfur_engil: Like Jim Goad said..."Jesus can have them, but I couldn't help but think after a while, Jesus would be backhanding them too..."

    (And she STILL hasn't put me on ignore...FYI...this is on Yahoo Messenger, for those who are feeling frisky. )
  2. aznad

    aznad New Member

  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I like the Fugly references...
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That bitch looks like my next door neighbor. 'Cept she doesn't wear glasses.

    I know what she's doing. That's the stick- your-chest-out-pull-your-arms-back-I'm-not- a-fat-girl stance. I'll be doing the same fuckin' thing before too long... I need to do less binging and more purging...
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    I know what she's doing. That's the stick- your-chest-out-pull-your-arms-back-I'm-not- a-fat-girl stance. I'll be doing the same fuckin' thing before too long... I need to do less binging and more purging...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Get your fat ass down here and I'll give you a bit of purging...
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, I feel so desired right now...

    Oh yeah, my fungal infection is all gone now. Still using the meds though.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    [/i] I always forget that shit...

  8. D

    D New Member

    sassy_woman78: did u get off?
    sassy_woman78: lol
    sassy_woman78: thats good cuz i didnt do nothin but type anywasy

    what a fucking tease... is that what you sposed to do?

    Sounded like she was haveing fun

    sassy_woman78: god yesss
    sassy_woman78: uuhhhh
    sassy_woman78: ohhhhh
    sassy_woman78: yessssss
    sassy_woman78: ohh yessssssss
    sassy_woman78: oohhh godddddd
    sassy_woman78: yesssssss
    sassy_woman78: faster
    sassy_woman78: baby
    sassy_woman78: yesssssssss
    sassy_woman78: im gonna cummmmmmmm
    sassy_woman78: all over u *???????*
    sassy_woman78: ohhhhhhh
    sassy_woman78: yessssssssssssss
    sassy_woman78: yesssssssssss
    sassy_woman78: deepppppppppp
    sassy_woman78: UHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    sassy_woman78: MMMMMMMMMM
    sassy_woman78: BAB Y
    sassy_woman78: MMMMMM
    sassy_woman78: feels soooo gooood

    I would have put money on the fact that she was a virgin but she has children...
    but thats the way it is... all the ugly birds have children.

    I work with a bird who looks like sloth and she has a 5 year old and is pregnant again...(she is a miserable cunt as well so it isnt her personality that attracts them) mind you, her bloke is an ugly fuck...

    they arnt gonna do any better than each other...

    but I digress...

    Im soooooo glad Im fit.

  9. D

    D New Member

    went a bit mad with the italics then
  10. i hate you

    i hate you New Member

    that was some funny shit
  11. kat

    kat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    That bitch looks like my next door neighbor. 'Cept she doesn't wear glasses.

    I know what she's doing. That's the stick- your-chest-out-pull-your-arms-back-I'm-not- a-fat-girl stance.

    or mabye shes just trying to make her boobies look big...c'mon,weve all seen those fat girls that their stomach sticks out more than their chest does,it looks pretty sad.... *nods* that could also be why shes standing like that

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