Where were you on September 11, 2001? I was at work when a friend called me saying that a plane had hit one of the towers. I was thinking maybe he meant a small private plane. I looked some news website and saw it. When I refreshed, I saw the second one posted and I knew something was wrong. It was very surreal. I went home an got a TV to bring into the office. We were glued to it for days. I knew it was just a matter of time before I was deployed somewhere. It took 2 years, but it happened.
and you got posted to somewhere that had absolutely nothing to do with the events of 911 to be part of a recruiting tool for 'extremism' oh irony
New position on the job as a quality manufacturing engineer at a major computer manufacturer. I was putting my self through the ringer working two weeks at each phase in the assembly line process. Those guys in manufacturing were having fun giving me every one of the worst positions on each line also. But I was earning their respect and keeping up even though I was a noob with an engineering degree. Break came and they went their way to the cafeteria while I went to the measurements lab to hang out with the engineers. 15 min later I'm back on the line and people are only trickling in all talking about a plane crash. I start working and the line half ass starts moving. People are just leaving to go back to the break room to see the news. Bit by bit I hear more and more of the rumors. Finally the second plane hits and its decided to be no coincidence and actually an attack. Some of the workers are very solemn and some are charged with adrenalin sort of a festive mood joking and smiling. This black guy in the corner that was always loud and boisterous starts jumping up and down yelling "This prove Bush be weak!" I felt dizzy I could have strangled him with my bare hands wanted to puke I was soooo angry. I avoided the break room for the rest of the day never went there anyways. Went home and turned on the TV. What a shitty day. The Next day and throughout the week the same jackasses that were all festive about the issue. Were wearing proud to be American patriotic …flare I suppose you would call it. I figured if I was patriotic it was by action not a bunch of show. Ironically those same people that would not get caught dead without their proper assortment of patriotic flair would six months later smirk at you if you were stupid enough not to know the fad is over now. Half the people in this country are spineless weakened pussys They don’t disserve to be here.
.... in a chemistry lab.... watching it live.... grinned from ear to ear as i remembered the cluster bomb that tore up my childhood playground
I was at 'ground zero'...standing at the exact point where a bomb fell during the second world war (destroying a whole tenement building) when the news first reached me. I heard it on the radio coming from a workman's van that was parked nearby while i stood waiting for someone, though it didn't fully register what i was hearing.
amazing..... not to sound like i appreciate nature or anything but the beach alone was worth the money
It was my day off and I was asleep on my couch. When one of my buddies called me and told me we where under attack. None of it was registering as he was telling me as I had just woke up.
Huh? The beach!? I thought you were off getting trained up for the revolution and joining the crowds to sing 'get well' wishes outside Castro's hospital window.
The revolution has many thousands of trawlers just waiting for the signal. Since the CIA are everywere nobody is quite sure what the signal is, but the revolutionary nose is still high above the fog somewhere. Neck hurts a bit, buit the suns brilliance is clear enough. Feet are cold though, and the back complains a bit about the awkward angle and the burden. The need for a revolutoinarye that remembers the thirties is still there. Or one that had a brother that remembered the thirties at least. USA cant beat reminicing about those good ole days. I was in a squat with a close nihilist friend, an anarchist pacifist and a muslim brother. The nihilist and the brother hugged eachother, while us pacifists felt a certain trepidation concerning the prognosis of projected force and prepared response. We sure canceled our trip to Syria. ( The brother went anyway , and he got it bad from the secret syrian service ). They dont REALLY want to mess with USA you know. Its just that they cant seem to be pussywhipped in the eyes of their people. Gotta stand up for arab rights and all. 911 gave me many new friends and a whole new perspective on friendship. It was better back in 84.
You know I was reading Monsters and Critics about the "Clown" speech at the U.N. and picked out a post from a Cuban typical of the ones you see. http://news.monstersandcritics.com/...1203685.php?compage=0&comcount=25&comlimit=10
dude the cuban people i met are genuinely content.... there is no crime... everyone eats.... so they don't have convertibles and can't rant in parks... at least they don't have to worry about their neighbors shooting their kids in the back for walking across a lawn..... to quote a guy i met there "we cubans don't care about fighting, we just want women"
I might settle in Romania. It is nice here as well. Most people like Cuba after a visit. The US press cant be trusted as for info on this brave little island-state. It is true they have had to give up some of their freedoms, but so have you guys due to the war on terror. Imagine, if Al-Quaeda had the resources of the DoD. How many freedoms would you have then ?
Government information on Cuba? I guess I could goto CIA.org to see what they have to say never have though. The school system? What they have to say about Cuba is laughable. Remember the American school system has been hijacked by radical left wing nut cases. It was union thugs and education employees that they used to fill up the audience for Hugo Chavez to give hit little rant. So figure that one out for yourself. Just like that post I copied from monsters and critics I get my information from people who risked their very life to escape that hell hole island. Also the fact that Smiles although fully accustomed with the idea of changing his global residence. Would not even consider the most remote possibility of moving to Cuba. All talk no action.
Well wouldn’t this be a nice? Sheik Hassan Nasrallah told hundreds of thousands of supporters that his guerrillas will never surrender their weapons. Have some "Non official" Israeli activist group with their faces shielded launch about 50 missiles into the group of people. Then when the international community bitches. Israel can say they are launching an investigation into the incident. But that it was not them that committed the act. Then a video tape is found of some blind folded dude saying that is just the beginning and that worse is to come if the Hezbollah missiles are not removed. That sure would make my day. [/quote]
heh joe u actually put a smile on my face.... am i a liar? is that not my genuine impression? that guy never said that to me? did you somehow read into my post that i planned on moving there on a weeks full of impressions? .... heh you're just plain silly... let me put it to you this way.... i've driven through the states and i would rather mop floors in Cuba than be given a house in Buffalo but back to the topic, one of my very good friends is cuban... guess how he left? on an airplane.... don't believe the hype my friend..... go on a vacation somewhere, anywhere with no more than 5 t.v. channels