I have the fucking flu!!!

Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by Dwaine Scum, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    thats right, it hit me in september this year, because it knew I was going for a flu shot next week..

    I truely hate you all, and schmed is the only fuck here I would let wash my jeep
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    But IMC, you know you'd let me wash you cock, and surely thats more important to you! Unless "jeep" is codeword you and schmedly use for your manhoods?
  3. StrangelyBrown

    StrangelyBrown Member

    The fucking flu eh? That cause you to rip off your right hand, toss it on the bed and then rape it? o_O
  4. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    my left nostril is raw inside and i keep smearing vaseline and neosporin in it and then it gets all slimy and boogery, and it is all stuffy and hurts. when i wake up in the morning its scabby and it splits open and bleeds and makes me sneeze and my eyes tear. my lymph nodes are swollen in my neck as well, and i puked Saturday morning after only 3 Stella's and a shot. i also have a cystic ance spot on my chin and a yeast infection. can i spit shine your Jeep when Schmed is done?
  5. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    go get a doc to stick you in the ass with a needle, youll be fine then. ass shots always work
  6. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I had thrush a month ago. That's a bitch.
  7. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    uh yeah. i dont have a yeast infection in my mouth. you know thats a sign of HIV? well it is.
  8. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Is it me or was the majority of this thread written in confused gibberish?
  9. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    hahahah fucking ha. rat i love you. maybe you should be my new idol.
  10. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    you have bigger problems than a yeast infection my dear. the first thing you need to do is get rid of that half-breed kid. when you've done that get back to me.
  11. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    what are the two halves?
  12. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    it eats beans and rice, just like you.
  13. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    whats wrong with rice and beans you greasy haired wannabe hatian
  14. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    DAMN...Rat you just got OWNED!!!! But don't feel bad Rat, it's not easy going up against David and his endless spewing of inane comments.
  15. jennismadd

    jennismadd New Member

    actually shes a tri breed bitch.
    scarlet is white like me, and her daddy was half mex half japanese.
    so she eats beans rice and sushi. get it right skank.
  16. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    yes dweeblow, I had greasy hair for a total of about 2 hours.

    as soon as i got off the bus another native wanted me to buy something. i told her i just wanted two FRENCH braids in my hair. not cornrows; and she said it was $10 and that her friend could make change for a 20. but fuck no. she made two cornrows, said it was $15, then smeared nasty fucking nigger grease in my hair, which promptly melted down my neck from the heat. i thought if i bought a coke for $1 at the shop next door they'd have to make change, but no. she GAVE me the coke and told me to come back later when i had a dollar. so now i am walking around all greasy and smelly, and the braids are so tight my eyes are tearing and JT is getting a huge kick out of the whole thing and the can of coke is slipping off my greasy rat fingers. finally some old whore pulls some bills out of her bra and makes change for me.
    when we got back to the ship i started taking the braids out and terrorizing JT by shaking my hair at her while she screamed. i washed it 5 times and it was still greasy and smelly. i washed it again with acne face wash and that helped. all the pimples on my scalp went away along with about a pound of my hair.

    just how is that getting owned Schmed? You are a little tRAiTor! Besides, I wouldn’t step one greasy ratfoot Haiti if I were paid in dweeblow’s blood. I may be bald, but I am not greasy and very white.

    nothing, as long your whole country isn’t solely depending upon it for survival.

    keep her away from Schmed. He enjoys performing different types of anal intrusions on girls who eat sushi. Something about the smell I guess.

    all them pills you took confusing you? I am surprised you can keep your child’s genetic composition straight.
  17. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Dear Ratty,
    That was sarcasm, David can hardly own a pair matching socks, but you do have me on the anal intrusion part....
  18. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    okay rat so youre a barren albino bitch,same diffrence :roll:
  19. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    you really think i'm a bitch? that sucks.
  20. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    oh Im sorry then

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