for some Buffalo wings and some Bleu cheese to dip them in, throw in a pitcher of beer for good measure. Unfortunately I dont think anybody serves that at 4 a.m. on a Tuesday.
Dennys, I believe all the ones I have seen are closed. I guess I could have went to IHOP, but when I want wings go I go to "Buffalo wild wings", just Like when I want a Gyros I go to a greek restuarant. Dennys *scoff* Like getting Chinese food from a McDonalds.
that is one of the things that truly sucks about living in a small 24 hr fast food joint/restaurant within 60 miles. :evil:
Stop it Checkmate, you're just adding more fuel to her brutal work out. Then she'll only be a skinny lying cunt.
All the Burger Kings in Okc have shut down, for the time being. Seems the African Americans :roll: who ran and worked in them weren't living up to the Burger King standards. I can atest for that, seeing how the burgers always came out looking like they were thrown together and it seemed to take 20 minutes to get your food. To busy talking about their Babies' daddys to make the fuckin burgers. food......I can't stand any of it.....makes me sick. Just the thought of putting something so horrid into my body is wretched.
Have you read the phenomenal book titled "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal"? It truly opens your eyes to a whole world you wouldn't imagine when it comes to fast food: From the inception, to the insidious foothold fast-food chains hold over consumers and the negative impact it has that affects everything from agriculture to communities....very informative and interesting.
moes is a healthy alternative to fast food... tex mex... burritios, tacos, quesidillas, wiht your choice of steak, chicken or griled tofu. am then your choice ofblsck beans or pintos , then rice, the sour cream, hmemade Pico digallio, and gueacamole, cililatro. letuis, olives. cilanto, Jalipioms. amd hptsaice... ots cheap, and good.. yopu can ad salsa verde, amd chopped jalipioms hence thje