Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by coulrophobe, Dec 8, 2003.

  1. coulrophobe

    coulrophobe New Member

    after trying to drive up the hill leading to my house (which is about a 2 mile stretch with some nice hills) about 7 times today...i decided that i not only dislike snow....but hate it.

    then, right when hope finally shined it's light on me and i was making it to the end of the icy uphill slope, some jerk off hunter was driving on the wrong side of the road straight into me. this forced me to go to the other side of the road, and i lost my momentum. if i hadn't been stuck and i could have caught the guy, i think i would have beat the hell out of the guy. i was so mad. hunter's aren't allowed up by my house, but i guess this moron figured he was an exception to the rule.

    so, to finish up this happy little story...i ended up parking at the bottom of the hill and walked home with my 3 bags of groceries and bottle of OJ. lucky for me, it's above freezing today. i checked when i got home, and it's 34 degrees. good thing, since all i had was a short sleeve shirt on (pants too of course).
  2. Weezie

    Weezie New Member

    Wear a jacket dumbass.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I would have driven home, regardless.
  4. coulrophobe

    coulrophobe New Member

    i didn't bring a jacket because i planned on DRIVING HOME. and it's kind of hard to drive up hills of ice... i haven't gotten my snow tires put on yet. and i drive a cadillac where i should be driving a truck... maybe that has something to do with it.
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You should have thought of that before you left the house.
  6. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    Don't blame the caddy man, you've wintered there before, you knew there would be icehills to contend with.
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    "Snow tires" - what a concept... Glad as fuck I won't ever need them...

    Fuck, people drive bad already... You should see when it rains... I can't imagine these dipshits when it actually freezes the roads........... fuuuuuck.
  8. coulrophobe

    coulrophobe New Member

    the first "big snow" it got here, i think there was about 30 something wrecks in one night, on the same road. people here are crazy as well. me, i usually laugh at the idea of snow tires...but i'm desperate. i hate walking home. and people sweating outdoors is everything i'm against. if i'm gonna get some "cardio" in, i'll do it at the gym like any other self respecting man.
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coulrophobe:
    the first "big snow" it got here, i think there was about 30 something wrecks in one night, on the same road.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Shit. Not like I'm trying to boast or anything (trust me, I hate what I'm about to type) - last time it froze here, I kid you not, we had over 500 accounted 'accidents' here. In one morning.

    I swear, these motherfuckers don't know how to drive...
  10. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    Everytime we get a big snow here, its on a night when I have to be out driving, and without fail some fuck head in a pick up truck speeds by me and slides around a turn and into a light pole.

    I also usually time it just right so I have the plow behind me.

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