i got food poisoning...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by pimpchichi, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    or something today... projectile vomiting.. the works...
  2. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    I think I've already told the forum about my food poisoning adventures at McDonald's...
  3. CancerBeans

    CancerBeans Member

    Is that a Big Mac??
  4. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Couldn't tell ya,that's not me.
  5. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Take pictures.
  6. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member


    theres your food poisoning... or should i say drink poisoning.
  7. CancerBeans

    CancerBeans Member

    look dude if you want to post a picture you have to HOST YOUR PICTURE!!!!!
  8. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Pimp haven't you been watching the news there's that virus going round called "winter vomiting" one of the first symptoms is projectile vomiting.There's been a major outbreak in a couple of hospitals and it speading across the country.
    Here's a snipet from the news.

    Winter vomiting virus

    The virus can cause havoc in hospitals

    The "small round structured virus" that has caused chaos in several hospitals causes unpleasant but non-fatal infections that last only a few days.
    Even the elderly and frail are likely to make a full recovery after contracting the illness.

    It is dubbed the "winter vomiting virus" because it is more likely to develop as an illness during the winter months.

    The SRSV family of viruses, also referred to as Norwalk or Norwalk-like viruses produces a gasto-enteritis illness.

    Hospitals have strict guidelines to follow if they experience an outbreak on their wards.

    The illness typically starts with an attack of vomiting - which can of the severe, projectile variety.

    Minutes away

    A patient can go from feeling fine to severe vomiting in a very short period.

    Some patients also experience diarrhoea as a result.

    Dr John Cowden, consultant epidemiologist at the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health in Glasgow, said: "We are not talking about feeling a bit dicky and chucking up in the toilet bowl.

    "I am told that people can vomit straight out for about a yard."

    There is no recognised treatment for the illness - patients should be given fluids to keep them hydrated and wait for it to pass.

    It normally does so in 24-60 hours in the vast majority of patients, although there may be some after-effects such as fatigue.

    There were approximately 2,000 cases of SRSV reported to the Public Health Laboratory Service in 1999 - but the total number of infections which go unreported is many times this.

    Shellfish poisoning

    Many of these cases will have emerged as a result of food poisoning - "bad mussels" can be a potent source of SRSV.

    The virus can lie dormant in the human digestive system for months on end before becoming infectious.

    The normal mode of tranmission is either through faecal waste contamination, or by contamination with infected vomit.

    It is estimated that 30m particles may be distributed as an aerosol into the environment during a vomiting attack, creating the potential for rapid spread.

    Only a tiny quantity of virus - six to 10 virus particles - is needed to start an infection in a new patient, and patients stay infectious for 48 hours after symptoms develop.

    Patients may even become infectious before they get ill, although this is not proven.

    Hospital workers are particularly at risk of passing it on as they clear up after infected patients, and guidelines suggest stringent disinfecting procedures in the event of illness.

    Professor Hugh Pennington, an expert in disease at Aberdeen University, described SRSV as the "Mike Tyson" of viruses.

    "It a very clever virus. It gets around, and it is pretty good at spreading itself."
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well i threw up violently 3 times.. once into the kitchen sink.. i held it back till i got to the ink.. didn't wanna have to mop up.. bit of a mistake 'cos my mouth filled with burning vomit and my throat felt like it would explode... once i'd emptied the first surge all over the dishes.. i staggered to rhe downstairs loo.. then as i opened the door the cold blat hit me and i let go again.. i wasn't gonna make the same mistake of holding it back.... resulting in a 1/2 inch deep creeping pool of puke... i slopped overto the toilet to relieve the pressure that was building in my bowels and released a hot jet of brown piss... the feeling of relief my ass projected prompted a further attempt by my stomach to remove it's irritants... the last vomit was less violent than the ones previous.... and far from being the torture they were... this was a blessed relief and had a welcome feeling of finality... my body had purged itself of the poisons i foolishly feasted upon in an effort to save time and reach a deadline....

    i filled a flask, and, as i hadn't taken a packed lunch, i nipped to the nearest snackwagon... i could've gone to the professional hygenic set-up round the corner.. but i decided to take a risk on the cowboy outfit run by a 50 year old slimy scouse slapper and her two retarded sons and her daughter... the daughter is very affectionate to her brothers.. oh yes she loves them... .. anyway i ate the bacon and egg sandwich at 11am.. by 2:30pm i started to feel like i'd been spiked and had yo stop work and see if i felt better after a rest.. i just got worse as the day went on..resulting in my explosive splurges at home...

    i spoke to nursey briefly on the phone and went to sleep she phoned again at 7:30 to remind me of my mission to procure drugs for the weekend... i told her it was sorted and went back to sleep ... luckily my brother hadn't forgot my request and phoned me at 8 to say he'd drop the coke off in 10 minutes..

    i still felt at deaths door and seeing as it couldn't get any worse i thought i'd try a bit of charlie and see if it could help someway.. well believe me it worked.. the columbian cure-all this morning i was pretty much recovered and i've just arrived at nurseys for serious medical check-up..
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    oh yeah.. and i'm still too sick to proof-read or spell-check

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