Jesus, the on-line panhandling is getting a bit carried away. Wishlists are cute, and give people an idea of things to get you for your birthday and other times in your life you may deserve it. Hell i am guilty of having one too, but a few minutes ago, I saw a person panhandling for there new apartment, asking for dumb frivolous shit like a shower head, and chrome soap dishes, that the "just have to have". You know, this kinda makes me think, why the fuck do I even work? All i have to do is buy some porn content, dress it up as a cam whore site, then get schlubs to buy my lazy ass stuff.. I don't know, I'm just annoyed, every time I turn around it seems people are getting lazy, and lazier, depending on other people to take care of them and there fucking off-spring they shit out. I mean if you are going to squirt out some puppies, at least have the decency to do it with someone who will help you look after, and give moral support and rear your children accordingly. Don't rely on your good looks to furnish your fucking house and support your shitty kids.your looks will fade, so will your uncanny ability to irritate me with your non-stop begging. I wonder if any of these gifts are ever reported to the social service departments which you people leech off of? Along with the profits you make off of your pay-pal accounts, when you promise masturbation movies for $20. For the record, you are making a profit, and are supposed to claim taxes . If you get wel-fare, and make $300 a week doing a cam-whores show, your are a social parasite. Anyway, enough of my bitching about useless people..... P.S. get off your lazy ass, stop blaming the world for your psychosomatic made up phobias, swallow your bullshit psychosis, AND GET A FUCKING JOB!!!!
Hey PimpMe, I wouldnt suggest doing that. Unless you are really into that sort of thing. Those guys are all hairy and sweaty and nasty and shit. Well, at least thats what devdev was saying.......(sorry, I know, way to easy a target)
I hafta agree with you on this one. I spent several years homeless, living on the street...Seriously. I never panhandled ONCE. Managed to find small jobs from time to time. These morons have enough to pay an ISP and get a computer, they can suck my dick.. THEN I'll give 'em $20. And buy them something from Amazon. But only if they swallow. I wish someone would pay me $20 for masturbation videos...I would be a billionaire.