Is this faster and more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy? I know someone who honestly benefited from it even when they had no faith it would work, so I have been thinking about it.
I am not convinced that it works, but I am pretty sure that it does no harm. CBT is really all I think is effective for the long term. Nothing is quick and easy.
Depends on what your end goals are. Im not sure I believe in Hypnotherapy. If it worked so well why wouldnt the 'therapist' have the patient deposit money into a Swiss account on a regular basis, heck have all the patients do that. Then he/she could retire in a few years, and the patients would be none the wiser. Just think of all the fun you could have. What if the therapist was secretly evil and made you dyslexic?
But behavioral therapists do take your money... for long periods of time. Some hypnotherapy, like smoking cessation, works one time. Reminds me of a Golden Girls (heh, I know) line: "I knew you were a quack. A real psychiatrist would have strung us along for months!"
Spend your money on TCM & acupuncture. It is all-encompassing and treats the mind and body together. Although i believe hypnotism does work, i don't think it's the best way to go about remedying problems. I know someone who used it to help stay calm to do her finals at university. She was very impressed as she had been quite sceptical, but desperate enough to try it anyway. But that was an 'emergency'. Acupuncture addresses the root causes of problems and is therefore better value for money. As far as Chinese herbs go, i have tried all sorts of natural remedies for psorisis (i had a small but severe patch on my back for nearly a decade that started worsening) including western herbalism and aloe vera. Nothing worked until i got some Chinese ointment. It was like finding the magic key to a lock. My psorisis was gone in a week. It was a miracle. But you get what you pay for. Go for the best and stay away from 'mall doctors'. One thing to remember if you hate needles as much as i do is, if Gwhiney fucking Paletrowt can do it, then you can.
If Apple's mom can do it, yeah, so should I. The problem is I live in a pretty small town and I don't trust these idiots to do anything right, so I guess I should travel a little and get it done. How often should you do it? Does it feel like a shot in the arm? I'm not a big fan of needles.
I heard one of the best things for psorisis is UV rays. So you need to leave Scotland and move to a tropical island and stay outside in a swimsuit as much as possible. We have some good Accupuncture people here, I havent gone but my wife has. She said they focused a lot on the back of her knees. She said she felt better, but it was probably from all the blood she lost. We tried an 'aqua chi' thing too, I think thats how you spell it, where you soak your feet in this water with a small electrical charge being applied, it pulls the toxins out of your body through your feet. It's pretty neat. I dont know if it did a lot, but the water sure got nasty. Plus my legs felt like new from the replaced knee down (havent felt that good in years). We are actually considering buying on of the machines (like 1500 US). I work at a chemical plant, and my body absorbs some bad stuff on a daily basis, so anything to help get that out is good.
Mother of Moses, you've got it! On average, a three month treatment (once a week or at least fortnight) is best. Or once a month for maybe 6 months? It all depends on your problem. And how far you will have to travel. The initial consultation is usually always more expensive than subsequent treatments. If it felt like a shot in the arm, he wouldn't have got the second needle in. The needles are very fine and usually don't go in very deep, so it's more like a cold, electric current after the initial prick sensation, though some places are more sensitive than others. And some you don't feel at all. I asked him to remove one that i didn't like and then asked again after he'd removed it (i couldn't see it was gone). The energy was still buzzing and activated. Not for me it wasn't. Foreign holidays and sunlamps did nothing for it. And your wife would only have lost blood if they did a certain treatment that uses a vacuum and a slight cut (which i've never had). You don't bleed with acupuncture. Good idea. I think i'll move to...Nauru.
They put some kind of cups on her legs, but I dont know about the cutting. There were little marks but they didnt look any bigger than a needle point, maybe bigger than standard? She doesnt have psorisis, she was there for tension/anxiety (no pills). A friend of mine who has psorisis goes to the tanning bed a lot to keep it from flaring up too bad. The aqua chi thing was fun, if you have an 'herbal' place that offers it I suggest trying it. They say if you own one you can put the unit in the bath tub, instead of just soaking your feet in a small tub, but I dont know how that would look, plus your tub would be pretty grungy afterwards.
That reminds me of those magnet foot pad things you see on tv. I don't believe in those at all. These things: Word of caution, the bitch starts talking so mute your speakers or don't even click the link.