I meant that in a totally platonic way... Get over it already... Go visit your same-sex friend if you need any clarification.
Irony. - An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
Thanks IMC...if I can remember I will post where I downloaded all the SNES roms from last week. Maybe I will play Baseball Allstars II on the NeoGeo, its still the best baseball game ever
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tryme: Maybe I will play Baseball Allstars II on the NeoGeo, its still the best baseball game ever<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's the truth... There's another import jap GameCube ball game I played at a bud's house, can't remember the fucking name, but it was pretty damn good, too. Nothing funnier than watching jap animated characters yelling "fou baa!" while playing capitalism's national passtime.
Lomo, you are welcome, and yes, anyone saying they "love" me is gay... sorry man... P.S. who is the new fuckstick?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children: Lomo, you are welcome, and yes, anyone saying they "love" me is gay... sorry man... P.S. who is the new fuckstick?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What if it was a chick saying that god-forsaken "L-word?" new fuckstick? Tryme = "Yummy" with a new handle.
http://www.snesroms.bz/snesroms-A.htm"]http://www.snesroms.bz/snesroms-A.htmhttp://www.snesroms.bz/snesroms-A.htm[/url] I think this is where I got a bunch of them. Cherry Roms has some too but the best titles (anything with Mario in it) are blocked.
gay love aside, i like emulators, and games, and things... i have adaptors to use ps2 pads with usb, coz i play KOF2001, 2002, a lot. its by snk/eolith, 2d fighting, fast, good fun!