Hurricane Wilma

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    So this storm, at one point, had an eye only 2 miles wide, that's fucking amazing. Only 2 miles damn... And it just blew up out of no where. It went from a category 2 to a category 5 in 3 hours. The barometric pressure dropped 69 millibars in just 7 hours. MmmMm, manipulated storm...

    The professor had this to say a couple days ago:

    October 17, 2005 update .... all of a sudden the old sun has gone silent ... this could be the beginning of a long quiet spell OR it could mark just another cycle where booming solar flares could come pounding out to charge the solar system ... but not to relax too much ... as the solar capacitor is highly charged and we have been seeing the effects of that for some time ... this is a tremendous source of stored energy and can be triggered at any moment ... come to think of it the activity of comets has been extremely quiet lately also ... will keep you posted here if earth effecting events happen ... remember that the sun can affect earth quakes, volcanoes and even underwater land slides that could cause tsunamis ... listen wednesday night October 19 as i will be guest on coast to coast AM in a round table discussion talking about these topics ... jim mccanney

    "The Man" has tapped that stored energy as we did in the past with Katrina and Rita.

    We weren't right the first time when Katrina brought the pain but social order's breakdown failed to come. We were wrong the second time when Rita didn't bring the quake or smash enough refineries. Maybe this one will do the damn thing. How many government hurricanes need to happen to bring it?
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    "The Man" has tapped the energy of the Sun to manually create a hurricane? So the sun has "calmed down" and comet activity has declined, because their energy has been diverted by a purposeful act of "The Man"?

    Wow Smurf, that is awesome. You finally have me convinced.

  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    No, you idiot. The sun does its own thing, what he was pointing out is that even though sun activity is calm, partly because comet activity is also calm, there is still a massive amount of energy stored in our solar capacitor. Inbound comets tend to make the sun flare and charge it up real quick, like the days before Katrina and Rita blew up. So he was pointing out a couple of days ago that this stored energy could still, on its own or through manipulation, affect our planet.

    Take a reading comprehension class, ass.
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Hey, this scientist guy is one of the best in my opinion. His explanations for these events go beyond the stupidity of our current science and cut right to the core of the matter. Our guys at our weather centers are trying to say this is all cyclical, like hurricanes just decide to get stronger and pull that energy out of their ass, and the scientists go along with the explanations to get a check. They can't hide these events from us since they directly effect our lives, so they have "experts" go on the news and tell us it's all normal.

    This kind of shit is exactly the reason why we're going to plunge into this apocalypse assbackwards with only our dicks in our hands; no resources. And don't try convincing these people that it's happening, he says as well. They're too busy having their high and mighty heads up their asses to listen to their few, real and for-the-people-and-the-sake-of-science scientists. People just tend to say "I don't believe that..."

    He gives real down-to-earth tips for people and how they might survive through this earth-shattering event.

    For the flu's and plague coming? Keep your pets indoors and bathe them when the break outs come, you may even have to get rid of them. They'll track leaves and dirt and whatever chemical or virus the chemtrails have spread. Don't bite your fingernails, wash your hands, don't go shopping for groceries or go outdoors. Keep your immune system tiptop and your blood alkaline. It'd be ideal to have about 6 months worth of supplies but you'll definetly need to be able to wait out the incubation period for your area. If you have to go outside your house, you'll catch something and bring it home.

    Oh gee, the Mayans made their calendar as accurate as hell until 2012, when they said there'd be no point because after all the changes to the earth you would have to make a new calendar. Gotta know how to do that. Our history is real fucking crazy.

    Like I said, I hate all this shit going on.
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sun flares.... hmmm. There is a more plausible theory out there. At least that is in my opinion. First of all what percentage of the earth surface is water?
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Of course the scientific community will get together and come up with some sort of theory about the percentage of earth surface that is water. But the scientific community is generally made up of a bunch of dumbasses. I say the surface is mostly water. Also I say the one single biggest element effecting temperature change it simply water H20 that’s it. Fall is arriving and temperature changes will be more pronounced between day and night in my area. And you can generally tell when the temp is going to drop by a greater extent at night by simply looking at the cloud cover.
  8. smiles

    smiles New Member

    what do you think heats the water? water does moderate the surface temperature becasue it heats and coosl more slowly, cooling in summer warming in winter...... i have no idea what point u were makign about clouds but cold air holds less moisture
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I’m showing you that there is no global warming due to c02 or other emissions (except for water) as proclaimed by the radical environmentalists. They have gone outside the true principals of science discounting new data that fairly well proves otherwise. Basically to sum it up new evidence indicates that ocean temperatures are rising due to an increase in under water geothermal activity (volcanoes and earthquakes). This has resulted in increased humidity in the air. A much more important point to make is that water absorbs and holds C02 at a low temperature and when it heats it releases that C02 the amount of C02 that water will hold is inversely proportional to the temperature of the water.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Basically the environmentalist have invested so much in research to prove there greenhouse gas theory and so many politicians have staked so much on it that "The Man" does not want the truth to get out. Look at the Kyoto treaty. This would take the wind right out of the sail pushing this ideal along.
  11. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i'm no expert but don't greenhouse gasses prevent infrared radiation from bouncing out of the atmsphere and instead reflect them down on the Earth? if there is such an abundance of information, as you claim there is, supporting this other theory then why havent the industrialized nations clung to it like the word of god to fend off the conspiaring environmentalists? it would seem rediculous for the enironmentalists to keep stressing an issue which, as you say, has no influence on the problem.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well there is motive they are mobilized and funded. There funding comes from scared people. Quite frankly I’m all for clean air I would love to see a perfect solution I just do not believe in junk science. I do not know how old you are but the same environmentalists were claiming that we were on the edge of a new ice age just 20 to 30 years ago. The reason then was that pollution in the air is preventing thermal energy from reaching the earth’s surface. I used to live near the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and frequently went to the park there. I always thought it odd that the smokes were called the Blue Ridge Mountains and were names this by Native Indians however the gift stores are full of books with well detailed information about the reason for the blue haze being due to Carbon Monoxide emissions and smoke from manufacturing plants. You see it is not that they are entirely untrue but it is simply a half truth. You have to consider this when dealing with these people that they are good hearted well intended DISHONEST people.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Increased under water geothermal activity has caused water temperature to rise, releasing more water as well as CO2 into the atmosphere. Water causing a slight increase in surface air temperature by the same greenhouse effect you have been preached to about. The increase in CO2 has had a negligible effect by the same means. But the predominant culprit is simply water. The largest populated industrialized country in the world has absolutely 0 respects for environmental concerns and is salivating right now with the idea of having that economic manufacturing edge. I wish we would enforce the existing rules against water pollution both more efficiently and more strictly that’s my pet peeve.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Increased solar activity is heating the sun. Remember, it gives off a lot more electrical energy than light, as well as many other forms. But yes, we're a salty water planet and conduct electricity quite well. The flaring sun creates a massive charge that remains static until the planet's align and create a bridge to the outer reaches of the solar system or comet's neutralize some of the energy or whatever. So solar activity very much drives our plate movements and our weather, by affecting our ionospehere and plates.

    "Earth's Energy Budget"

    Well it's definitely heating up, bitches. And it's going to pick up very, very fast. Remember those Mayans and their polar reversal end of the world need to make a new calendar anyways so don't bother keeping up with the old one past 2012 calendar? Here comes that polar reversal, and here are the signs in the stars and the sun.

    Anyways, you can't stop the primary earth-shattering effects of the polar reversal (the global bake; it's coming everywhere) but you can manipulate some of these secondary tragedies so that it starts how you want it to. Hurricanes where you want em, an earthquake that's all prepared and ready to happen when you need it to. The energy is there, all you need is the means to tap it, like some awesome sattelites. I'm sure they can divert a few of their many satellites they have for listening to terrorist's phone calls.
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Tropical storm Beta is getting ready to piss off those poor Central Americans again, and all the while these storms are producing so much energy, Joe's Logic, that they create a pressure so low, they suck up the water underneath them and create maybe a sustained 30 foot high ellipse of water covering maybe 200 by 500 miles or so. That weighs a lot, and moving it around is going to break a lot of things. The Yucatan got 67 inches of rain. The water cools down because sucking it up like that pulls moisture out of it, (Extremely low pressure + warm water = boiled off moisture + cold artic blast = 67 inches of rain) and heat energy goes with that moisture.

    So say some country is interfering with your plans, like Mexico's declared intent to join the International Criminal Court in a showdown against the Bush administration. Remember, the administration is a front for some other military guys running the show, so it's not just Bush making the hurricanes.

    "U.S. Aid threatened by global court pact"

    "Mexico's declared intent to join the International Criminal Court is setting up a potentially critical showdown with the Bush administration, which refuses to subject U.S. personnel to the ICC's powers.

    Washington has informed Mexico that joining the ICC would lead to the cut of an $11.5 million program to help its justice system deal with drug trafficking, according to human rights groups that support the Dutch-based court, designed as the prime venue for trying war crimes. That amounts to almost 40 percent of the U.S. economic aid Mexico receives.

    Mexico could avoid the loss if it signs an immunity agreement with Washington, but has so far refused to do so. Widely known as an Article 98 agreement, such a deal bars a country from handing U.S. nationals to the ICC without U.S. permission. Mexico is hardly alone. Washington already has cut aid to 11 Latin American nations for refusing to sign the immunity agreements, making it the region of the world hardest hit by ICC-related sanctions.

    But Mexico's ratification of the court is being monitored especially closely by human rights groups and members of Congress because the country is so critical to Washington's strategic interests. It ranks as the second biggest U.S. trading partner and the biggest entry point for illegal migrants and cocaine. A growing number of U.S. defense and congressional officials fear such a move will cost Washington influence in a region already vulnerable to political instability and are pushing President Bush to issue a first-ever waiver of the sanctions.

    Human rights activists say most nations probably would agree to Article 98 deals if they covered only U.S. military personnel, but reject the broader pacts the State Department is pushing to cover all U.S. citizens and even third-country foreign contractors working for the U.S. government. ''We respect the right of other nations to become parties to the Rome Statute, but ask other countries (to) respect our right not to do so,'' said a State Department official who asked for anonymity in keeping with department rules.

    So far, 101 nations have inked such deals, including Colombia and the Dominican Republic. But other Latin Americans have responded angrily to the U.S. pressures. Costa Rican Foreign Minister Roberto Tovar last month called the U.S. immunity proposals ''offensive'' and added: ``One can be poor, but dignified.''

    Following Mexico's refusal to bow to our pressures, the most mysterious of storms appeared out there in the Caribbean and proceeded to become the strongest one on record to ever form in the Atlantic or Caribbean regions and intensified at a rate never before seen by researchers and defied all normal behaviors for a storm of this type.

    "Wilma the Superstorm and Energy from the Vacuum"

    ""Of course the current forecasts show it going directly into Mexico for a time. (Who knows?) My guess for now is due north for 24 hours or so. At the current rate, it should move about 200 nautical miles (nm) or so in that time frame. This is very slow for a hurricane. It is piling up an astronomical storm surge. The pile of water under this storm is probably close to the largest on record. The mass here is probably a mound of water something like 30 feet high and covering an ellipse about 200 by 500 miles or more. That weighs a lot. Moving it around is going to break a lot of things. Whoever gets hit is going to hurt. Moving this much water in the narrow Yucatan Channel is going to be spectacular.

    A "dry tongue" is part of what a hurricane is. It is a short circuit between the polar jet and the subtropical jet, allowing arctic air to jump over the mid section of the country and fall directly into the eye of the hurricane – causing the equal of a combustion-chamber function over the hot water. (Fuel is hot, adding cold is like feeding in the Oxygen) A strong dry tongue is required to feed a strong storm. A stable dry tongue allows the powerful "Outflow" the weathermen talk about. Under a strong north wind, which is typically very dry, the Midwest (Misssouri, Arkansas area) is expecting frosts in about 3 days. Dropping a cold blast of this strength into the hot water north of Cuba and West of Florida is like dropping a thousand hydrogen bombs."

    Short Circuit: Electrical Exchange into Space

    "For those interested in the issues of potential "Weather Control" and the more “exotic” alternative energy generation theories, the physics are similar. This is very much related to the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) and to the issues of Tesla's energy theories. It gets very much into the area of how the whole universe works. It gets into stellar physics real fast.

    For those not so schooled in the issues, a starter course would be to note that the Hurricane is boiling off millions of tons of water into the atmosphere and then essentially quick freezing it. In this tropical location, condensation be transferring all this heat into hot air, but this time the air is actually extremely cold. In order for this cold to exist even for a moment in this region of rapid condensation – which is the Heat Recovery Phase – the storm has to be pumping this energy off into space either as hot air (which it is not) or by electromagnetic means. The electromagnetic freeze "ray" is beaming the energy away fast. The amount here is equal the detonation of a 20 megaton Hydrogen bomb every few minutes. To strip the planet of this much heat this fast requires an ionic short circuit into deep space.

    If this hasn't confused you, then you are well on your way to understanding hurricanes and similar storms. It also removes any doubt that there is plenty of energy around to be used. This is the fast trip into the wild and wooly side of physics that is not popular with the tired old heads that dominate the field. (Don't bother those guys! They are mean and they don't take evidence well. This stuff upsets them a lot.) It may be further evidence confirming the theory that the sun and planets interact electrically.

    Oh yeah, it's time to wake up and really learn how the world works. Hurricanes are awesome forces, not some stupid warm water creation.
  16. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    I am currently finishing my weather machine. I got it to work once before, but that was pure luck, but also helped me figure out what i had been doing wrong. Once finished i will contemplate world domination or will rent the machine for a total of $4,000,000.00 per day. If anyone is interested please let me know.
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Yes ! Maybe its the man and the little green muchkins and the anglodiabolical conspiracy that runs the weather. Pretty soon the sibirean tundra will melt and the methane released will speed up the global warming (Sorry, thats Um, the conspiracys fart-factory )
    The new hurricane-patterns are definitely man-made. Big Unidentified Flying Machines do it.
    The tought that it could be the beginning of a climatic catastrophe of armageddon-like proportions brought on by the greed and stupidity of man is after all a fairytale told to little children. Ill eat your soul too thank you :twisted: PS we need bigger cars. They make us look cool and are good for us. A lot like steroids. And a strong leader with extended powers.

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