Buy your man a network adapter, router, and ethernet cable so he can hook his PS2 up to the cable modem, for his birthday. He called in sick to work today and has been playing Amplitude for almost 24 hours straight. I think, but am not sure but he may be peeing in the potted plants next to his recliner.
Apple juice got spilled in his old Playstation and the SNES he bought (and played Mario Cart on till I thought I would puke) was left where he "accidentally" stomped on it getting out of bed and THEN it was broken. We don't steal PPV so I can watch him play fucking games all the time. If he would learn to share there would be less electronic accidents in our house. Currently I am sprinkling cat nip on the PS2 so hopefully one of the fur-kids will do something to it. Give me a fucking break from the thing for a paycheck or two.