how to post pics in forum!!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by pimpchichi, Feb 2, 2001.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    on the UBB code instruction page it explains the the rules of the codes/tags you need to post pics on this forum....
    but often people attempt to post pictures unsuccessfully.... there are many reasons...

    some put the url of the webpage the picture is published on ...
    some type the url wrong...
    and in a few cases the sites do not support outside linking(leeching) of the images on their websites...

    the very best way of ensuring you have entered the correct url for the image you are trying to link to...
    is to copy and paste the images url into your post....
    with netscape this is straightforward...
    you just right click on the image and select copy image location....

    with IE there are some cases where you can copy image location.. but more often than not IE doesn't make it so easy....
    so if the option to copy location is not there...
    right click on the image and select Properties
    explorer will give you the properties of the pic selected..... and will handily include the url of the pic... copy and paste THIS url into your post.....

    if the site does not allow outside linking to it's pics...
    steak and cheese are like that
    the task of posting is very much harder... but not impossible...
    but you will need your own webspace and an ftp client to do it...

    just right click and save image...

    but some pages will not allow leeching whatsoever....
    if this is the case.. i have found a sneaky workaround.. it may not work in extreme anti-leech cases.. but it always has for me...
    first of all... in IE.. under files.. save web page complete...this will save the html page and will also save all the grafx files used to make the page in a folder called *webpage title*_files
    you should find the image file nestling comfortably in here...

    once you have the image file you need... just upload it to your personal webspace *NOT WEB STORAGE SPACE....NOT MANY ONLINE DRIVES SUPPORT LINKING* and post the url of it then....

    if you follow those tips.. you shouldn't have any more white boxes with little red crosses in...
    because i am not replying with quote to posts, remedying the mistakes made by other people in their attempts at posting pics anymore...
    i used to do it to be helpful ...
    and upload and link to pics people sent me to post for them ... but a lot of the pics were of people in varying states of undress ... and i have had a bollocking now for turning this into my own personal porn board.. ... so i ain't repairing dodgey links or posting pics for people anymore...

    the instructions are there...
    and if you have trouble following my instructions... don't bother posting pics...
  2. Clydie Scope

    Clydie Scope New Member

    Believe it or not... I understoood the second time around...exactly what you say about posting pics...and being.. as you know a total novice..I tried again...following your keeping with some parts of my life...I went back and checked...and it worked for per ceased to exist!!

    What more can I say....

    Except...thank you for the advice.. I am humbled by a superior always...and I apologise for wasting your time.

    And I promise that I will not do so in future...

    I will post a most humble apology to all in another thread.

    Once the sun shone out of my arse...must have farted....damn that muscle control!
  3. Topper

    Topper New Member



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