Never was a scout of any kind. Nothing wrong with scouts though as far as I'm concerned. Why do you ask?
Yeah, this was taking the molestation route. I have an uncle by marriage and he is totally creepy. EVERYONE thinks he's a freak and a pervert... he even makes men uncomfortable and he's all involved in the church which makes me think even more that he is a molestor and there is something wrong with him. Oh, I wish you could be around this guy. He'll make your skin crawl. He's nice and all, but I cannot get myself to be nice back. I just can't do it. I can't even look at him.
I have never understood the Scout Leaders... with no fucking kids. Even the one's with kids creep me out. Last year Evan came home with an info pack for the boy scouts... I asked my sister about it, cause Evan really wanted to join. Her husband said "yeah in the scouts they teach a lot of useful skills, tying knots, putting up tents, sucking cock" so I said no.
That is funny. It's sad that is what has become of things that started out as good ideas... unless it was a pervert that invented it. Maybe this shit always went on, just wasn't talked about. Now a kid in New Hampshire gets molested and it's all over the nation by lunch.
I loved the SNL skit with Adam Sandler and Alec Baldwin...doing the molester Boy scouts thing... was funny Never saw that one... That was great...