Are you finally ok with it(if you aren't/weren't ok with it)? I dont mean like liking him or anything, but has it settled in now that he's going to be in charge for the next 4 years? I really dont like him, but I'm willing to give him a chance, up until he starts doing things I don't like. Holy cow, I just remembered when Bush got eleted 4 yrs ago, it seems like just a few years back, but when you think about it, it was pretty long ago. Just thinking about that makes me kinda bummed thinking we're gonna have Obama for the next 4 years. I guess its mostly being that I'm conservative-minded, but still, I don't enjoy what I've been hearing that will likely happen with him in charge. Oh well, there's always the fact that he won't do some of the things he promised since he had to lie to get some votes.
I was not fine at all with Clinton I was not real happy with Bush 1 or 2 both are to liberal. Obama to hear him speak is left of Carter and Carter was a disaster. Obama picked Joe Biden as vice pres. *Sigh* Here is VP Cheney showing the world what an ass Joe Biden is using Joe's own words. Cheney Mocks Biden, Defends Rumsfeld in 'FOX News Sunday' Interview In one of his last interviews before leaving Washington, D.C., Vice President Cheney, a 40-year veteran of Washington politics, tried to straighten out a few misconceptions about his tenure and the way the executive and legislative branches are supposed to work. Vice President Cheney mocked Vice President-elect Joe Biden's grasp of the Constitution, defended former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and said President Bush "doesn't have to check with anybody" before launching a nuclear attack. In a blunt, unapologetic interview on "FOX News Sunday," Cheney fired back at Biden for declaring in October that "Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history." "He also said that all the powers and responsibilities of the executive branch are laid out in Article I of the Constitution," Cheney said in a interview that was conducted on Friday. "Well, they're not. Article I of the Constitution is the one on the legislative branch." "Joe's been chairman of the Judiciary Committee, a member of the Judiciary Committee in the Senate for 36 years, teaches constitutional law back in Delaware, and can't keep straight which article of the Constitution provides for the legislature and which provides for the executive. So I think I'd write that off as campaign rhetoric. I don't take it seriously." Cheney, who is often called the most powerful vice president in history, also challenged Biden's claim that the Bush administration has amassed too much executive authority, a trend Biden reportedly plans to reverse. "If he wants to diminish the office of the vice president, that's obviously his call," Cheney shrugged. "President-elect Obama will decide what he wants in a vice president and apparently, from the way they're talking about it, he does not expect him to have as consequential a role as I have had during my time." Biden bit back, however, in a dueling Sunday morning interview that aired on ABC's "This Week" in which he said he stood by his statements. "His notion of a unitary executive, meaning that, in time of war, essentially all power, you know, goes to the executive, I think is dead wrong. I think it was mistaken. I think it caused this administration, in adopting that notion, to overstep its constitutional bounds, but, at a minimum, to weaken our standing in the world and weaken our security. I stand by that -- that judgment," Biden said.. Cheney defended the administration's aggressive prosecution of the War on Terror, which he said was a major reason the nation hasn't been attacked in seven years. He said the 1973 War Powers Act is a violation of the Constitution because Congress does not have the right by statute to alter presidential constitutional power. "That it is an infringement on the president's authority as the commander-in-chief," Cheney said. "It has never been resolved, but I think it's a very good example of a way in which Congress has tried to limit the president's authority and, frankly, can't. "The president of the United States now for 50 years is followed at all times, 24 hours a day, by a military aide carrying a football that contains the nuclear codes that he would use and be authorized to use in the event of a nuclear attack on the United States," Cheney said. "He could launch the kind of devastating attack the world has never seen. "He doesn't have to check with anybody. He doesn't have to call the Congress. He doesn't have to check with the courts. He has that authority because of the nature of the world we live in." Cheney also made clear that he had tried, in vain, to convince Bush not to fire Rumsfeld in 2006. "I did disagree with the decision," Cheney said. "The president doesn't always take my advice." Cheney said he supports Rumsfeld's successor, Robert Gates, "but I was a Rumsfeld man. I'd helped recruit him and I thought he did a good job for us." Cheney also was unapologetic about using an expletive in 2004 to tell Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy what to do to himself. The incident occurred after Cheney heard that Leahy had suggested the vice president used his position in the White House to get contracts for his former firm, Halliburton. "I thought he merited it at the time, and we've since, I think, patched over that wound and we're civil to one another now," Cheney said in the interview. Cheney, who has low approval ratings, predicted that history would vindicate him and Bush. "We've been here for eight years now, eventually you wear out your welcome in this business but I'm very comfortable with where we are and what we've achieved substantively," he said. "And frankly I would not want to be one of those guys who spends all his times reading the polls. I think people like that shouldn't serve in these jobs."
Obama seems to be a person who looks to others to explain to him just exactly what his convictions are. So that what is important is who he surrounds himself with. So far it seems to be predominantly Clinton people. But Obama if you will remember came from nowhere. It is not just campaign rhetoric to say the guy never really had a job its true. As a "Community Organizer" he worked at token jobs for socialist causes. For instance working for ACORN as well as various other socialist groups. And what are the fruits of his labor? A home district with one of the worst education, crime, health care, records in the states. Same was true for Clinton who BTW lost his own state although he won the presidency in 92. So you have this guy from nowhere who is basically a "made man" who's very suspicious campaign finance practices amassed a wealth of nearly 3/4 Billion dollars. From people like Soros, and Madoff. Unsavory types. Mysteriously unaudited campaign finances. (For those of you who do not know this is "unprecedented" in recent history.) A lot of unsavory people put a nobody in office pulling a lot of strings. Do you suppose they expect a return on their investment. Also BTW this Fitzgerald guy, he was, he is, he always will be, a Democrat. The worst recession we EVER had in the history of this nation was the Carter recession. less than 1.5 year. The Democrats started unraveling the economy against the better judgment of the conservatives with the "Community Reinvestment Act". (a socialist program) Roosevelt's "New Deal" extended a depression far beyond the time it should have. People its true that "there is nothing to fear but fear it's self" But that will never be avoided the media can scare the piss out of people -or- encourage them. Causing Americas GDP to swing five degrees either direction all things considered. What you should fear is socialist programs that will fail and all you will hear about is how it would have worked "IF" only it were not for the Republicans. If only it were not for rich people. Land owners, Gun people, People who were not city school educated. blah blah blah. Fear socialism and what comes with it. Around Obama I see a lot of socialism.
Excellent comment, and to that, I'd like to add a bit of optimism. With no other guilty party to point the finger at, when the new puppet makes his mistakes, and the public finally realizes their err, hopefully most of the populous will be cured of their Cranial-Rectal disorder, and realize that certain fundamental policies and mindsets simply don't work (and certainly are NOT appropriate for current conditions... Unless you were planning on overthrowing the government trying to pull a Dr. Zhivago on the US, of course.) Even then, what's the best we could hope for? Two decades of experienced voters that have at least some clue as to the framework they're supporting until the next wave of brainwashed sheep are taught to congregate?
Cranial-rectal disorder I'm with Lomo, hopefully in the not too distant future, the majority of people that voted for Obama will be walking down the street and hear a loud POP, it'll be their heads coming out of their asses.
I'm with ya but these people as so damn susceptible to influence by the media. And the media will form an iron curtain around this president to protect him.
Way back before Denzel Washington was in a remake, there was a remarkable film entitled "The Manchurian Candidate." It (the original) should be viewed by everyone. People that know me are well aware of my disinterest in 'fiction' - but a great many stories were written that had some serious undertones behind them. Soyulent Green, Animal Farm, The Manchurian Candidate, a great many Twilight Zone episodes, and largely uncredited: the Star Trek precedents set forth in the framework of most episodes. (I can only vouch for the original episodes & TNG, as I never spent much time with any other offshoots other than Voyager for a brief moment in time.) Obviously, most of the stories I'm mentioning, and the premises behind them, are rooted in literature tailored to the intended audience, whatever generation it may or may have been, but, they all have an important message to deliver.
Congratulations, Billy. You've figured it out all on your own. Here - take this ticket and stand in the lollypop line. It'll be OK. Papa Smurf says so, and Smurfette took her teeth out before she visited my mushroom tonight. :biggrin:
They are idiots. I bet you could make a documentary on all the 'good' Hitler did and you could probably get a majority vote for him over Billy Graham. I hate people like that.
Documentaries, news headlines, talking heads, pundits, comedians. They all work for the same team. I so rarely watch the news but I know its bad the other day I walked by the television set to see some news lady reporting that the schools have run out of money and then she followed through complaining the schools are being effected by the economy recession. That is so stupid it should be criminal to make that comparison it’s two completely unrelated issues that have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. The new "Global Warming" type scare tactic is "infrastructure" Watch for it you will see Obama has laid out his agenda and the media are fully on board. But what’s worse take for example that water main in Bethesda Maryland. I suspect heavily that the main was blown. It certainly was not a frozen 36" line with moving water. And there have been other lines burst around the vicinity of that main line. Typical for what you would see from stress fractures resulting from a line being blown. Get ready to hear about bridge inspectors suddenly reporting dangerous bridges. And more water mains and tunnels needing repair. The same goes for the mysterious levy breach from the coal plant releasing ash into the Tennessee river. Once again I think it was blown. This provides the anti-coal propagenda Obama wants.
I remember talking to a neighbor (husband & wife both public school teachers) - my high school was once audited by the state, and during the walk-around inspection, they took a classroom of students out of their room, and instructed them to sit in the stairwell of the Science building, and they pretended to hold a typical class in this improvised 'multi-tiered' classroom setting, in hopes of suckling even more money from the state nipple to pay for new football uniforms. Shit like this makes me sick, really. Granted, I could start teaching tomorrow - but with my view of property taxes, ethics, and public schooling in general - I'm worried that I might want to snipe all the admins my first day on the job. Hell, maybe that's my true calling? Call the shots, no bullshit - take these kids, and do something that certainly hasn't been taken seriously in the past decade or two - EDUCATE THEM!
tHAT'S HELLA COOL, MAN! And I'm thinking about it... really. Should find out soon if I made manager, and if not, I'll wait until Feb. when the raises kick in, and then cash out my 200+ hrs of vacation time as I give them the finger.