Is this a good idea or are blacks in America going to look at it as 'the first step' to eventual reparations? I think that some are. During the Reagan administration the US officially apologized to the surviving Japanese who were held in internment caps during WWII and the tax-paying citizens of the US were forced to pay them each $20,000. I think that the direct decedents of slaves can make a pretty good case that they're owed something. I think this is going to be a very big issue in the coming years. I think you're going to see a day when people who were held at Gitmo are demanding some kind of payback too and, unless they're found guilty of some kind of crime, isn't that the same thing as false imprisonment? I think somebody ought to think of something really goddamn nice to do for Native Americans too. They got shafted worse than anyone.
Reparations I think if you or your parents or grandparents were slaves, then fine. You get something. I'm Scottish and we got screwed by the Brits 500 years ago. I think I need my fair share damnit! Give me a break. No one alive-including the injuns (like my ex-wife...who fully agrees!) should get any more moo-lah anymore. Indians, by the way, DO get TAX-FREE money, rights to fishing on gov't land that white don't and a hell of a lot of other stuff. Why don't we just all work our asses off signing over our paychecks. They get enough of it through our taxes now anyway! PA-Leez!
I think Colenel Sanders here, and his bed sheets-wearing friends are all angry at anyone who isn't white. The fact you used the word "Indian" shows you're pretty low-browed, because the word isn't even close to being marginally correct, let alone politically correct. Then you show your true knuckle-dragging form by using the word "Injuns". I gather you're either a 13 year-old kid who was raised by white purists, or you're just a dumb fuck that follows the rest of his KKK mates.
Rez, I can appreciate your standpoint on this thread, as well as the other(s?) - but think about it for a moment. If you were to give a 'go-ahead' to everyone that happens to have some bloodline that eventually linked to a slave, or in some form of indentured servitude, and place a dollar amount on what the government 'owes' that person for the suffering that they, themselves, never endured, how exactly would that affect the deficit? It's funny, when you piece together the fact that the same people that are bitching about reparations and the like, are typically the same people that pitch a fit when it comes to the magnitude of debt that the government is currently in. If you want to seriously determine just how much the government 'owes' anyone, one would have to do quite a bit of background research. Determine which tribe each bloodline descended from, ascertain the economic worth of their descendants that didn't manage to be shipped over as slaves, perform a few calculations (taking inflation, etc. into account) - and ONLY THEN would you be able to put a dollar value to any kind of liability that 'we' (any US citizen) should be held accountable for. I'm fucking sick of people blaming the economic status of the country on the plight of any administration trying their best to make due with current technology (which involves securing the pipelines in obvious areas, depleting them, and as a last resort, drilling on 'home soil') - The problem doesn't lie in the potential of better long-term technology (like the HHO tests I mentioned on another post) - it's the fucking failure of the entire system, a profit motive that benefits ANYONE in power. I don't care if you're Bush or Bill. Gore or McCain. Obama or Hillary. Or any combination of them. Hell, throw Nader in there - IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. I honestly don't hold out much hope for the human race, regardless of whom gets elected. We're going to do *completely* irreversible damage to this planet in the next couple of decades (if it hasn't happened already) - Don't worry, true believers! We'll be able to live out our lives, and maybe even our direct offsprings (possibly two generations for you fucking 'breed-happy' goddamn Catholics that took that "be fruitful and multiply" quote to an astronomical fucking level) - Jesus Fucking Christ, use some fucking birth control, will ya?
That's a good point. Ok, so if they hadn't been paid and 50 or 100 years from now Japanese Americans started demanding reparations for it... ok, I can definitely see how that is a lot less powerful. Seriously, America should have paid any living, freed slave something right after the 13th amendment was passed. I think that was a huge mistake not doing that.
All the Indigenous Australians wanted from our government was an official apology, which they got from Kevin Rudd.
Brilliant retort One, Mr. What ever your screen name "Reizolees" is trying to impress; You don't know my friends as they have all been to college and have a much greater vocabulary than F-this! I know no one in sheets or any other bed material thank you. I see you with your poor education can't recognize sarcasm. Tisk-tisk. You know, you could go for at least one of those I.T.T. courses. Oh, wait. They don't go into proper English in most of their courses. Sorry. And good for you you're soooo P.C. I'll tell you what. YOU send the first check and I'll follow. Put you money where your big mouth is. Nice self portrait too! Might look into some free dental somewhere. I bet it's hard using the "F" word with no front teeth. I won't rub it in that I have 2 Masters degrees (magna cum laude-look that one up!)! Take care you poor soul.
I just deleted everything back to this point because the whole thread turned into a petty argument. Reizvolles called this new guy Col. Sanders and a knuckle dragger so he shot back with something, then all the rest of you rush in and start beating him over the head. All of you - knock it off. Does anybody here have any thoughts on the topic of the thread? It's an interesting topic, I think.
Yeah, no kidding. Well, go nuts. I'm done moderating for a while. It would just be nice to have an interesting topic that didn't degrade into a pissing contest once in a while is all I'm saying.