dude, i was in the army, and i was a little on the heavy side myself, but i can tell you right now...that dude has got to be the fattest fucker on the planet! I bet he can't even fit in a turret! do they even make body armor in that size?? He should have been kicked out for being overweight! I bet he couldn't even pass a physical fitness test. Why do they even let fat fucks like that even stay in? Can imagine that dude running? Everything will be moving, even that layer of fat under his chin!
I try to tell myself he's a KBR or CSA contractor who got a hold of a PT uniform for comfort. I've seen old Nasty Guard guys get big but that guy is young looking. I don't see how he is 2-3 years removed from Basic Training looking like that.
Who knows, maybe he's really good at his job, in spite of his obesity. But just by looking at him, I would have to say that he is a disgrace to the military. So lets hope he's good at whatever his job title is. I hope he managed to scrounge up a bed from some Arab, or else he'll be going through a lot of cots. Where was this pic taken? Iraq or Afghanistan?
Dude reminds me of Private Pyle.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IayHnA0cGuc Good movie, thanks for the memory jog, gona have to watch it again, its been awhile......