We know from the Scripture that there have been six one-world empires in world history; namely, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Each one had exclusive characteristics, symbols, and a pagan religion. We also know that in the last days there will be a final kingdom or beast that will rise up out of the sea of humanity. The final empire or kingdom of the Beast will be different from every one before it, because it will be comprised of all beasts or world empires that were before it. In Daniel, chapter seven, we read of four kingdoms that God compares to beasts. Babylon is a lion with two wings, Medo-Persia is a bear with ribs in its mouth, Greece is a leopard with four heads and four wings, and Rome is an indescribable, vicious beast with iron teeth. The beast that is rising up now before our very eyes is a mixture of previous beasts or empires. Revelation 13:1-2 tells us of the beast we are now seeing as follows: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” From the above description, we can see that the seventh and final world empire is the most unusual and grotesque of all. It is a sort of Frankenstein’s monster, whose very essence is blasphemy. When we consider the United States of America, we can easily see that we have a nation that is made up of many nations. American English is a composite of many languages with the languages of science, law, and academia being Latin and Greek. America has the architecture of ancient empires for its capitol buildings, along with the symbolism of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Even church buildings and cathedrals contain these pagan symbols. America is also a nation given over to vice, perversion, drunkenness, and gluttony. Spiritual wickedness is in high places, and the very conditions that existed in the ancient Roman Empire now fill our spiritually deranged society like a pervasive and prevailing dark cloud blown everywhere by the night winds of hell. As you read the remainder of this newsletter, you will see this very clearly. We will also see that there is a self-destructing mechanism in Satan’s blueprint for takeover, much like a computer virus that destroys its own host. Judgment is soon to come, and every human being, including you, will spend eternity somewhere. http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/2007/February2007.html
Gag me with a spoon. The article above references Rev 13:1-2 If you read the Bible a little further, it clearly tells you in Rev 17 who and what the heads and horns are. The US is not even mentioned in scripture. The seven heads are seven kingdoms. Five have already been, (as of 2000 years ago), one is (Rome) and one is yet to be. The ten horns are ten world leaders who join in with the last kingdom. The Bible clearly calls this last Kingdom "Babylon the Great". It speciffically says that this Kingdom will have the blood of Christians on it's hands. The US may be a lot of things, but we haven't yet started killing Christians. This confederacy, according to the Bible will attack Israel. Can you really see the US leading an attack against Israel? Look for a Persian confederacy. The D8 is probably the platform. Look for Syria and Jordan to join. Iran, Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey are already there. Their mission statement is so hypocritical it is comedic - " Peace instead of conflict, dialogue instead of confrontation, cooperation instead of exploitation, justice instead of double-standard, equality instead of discrimination, democracy instead of oppression."
Considering that the first christians ( taught by the master himself ), were living in the last days it might be all over by now. Therer was a sevenlegged lamb born on new sealand the other day though. Didnt look that dangerous to me but you never know.
Here is the scoop. We mankind were given a perfect world in which to live "Eden" We thought we could gain the intelligence of god and became enamored with our own curiosities. Since then we have screwed up our own world. But we made the bed so we got to lay in it so to speak. Hell is getting a ticket back onto this same shit ride we created. Heaven is getting a ticket out.
The ancients sure had a great way of putting it. Recent reseaqrch into the DNA and how europeans got to be blond and blueeyed support the feminist thesis of a conquering facist patriarch sun-god. Since the change happens between 12 and 6 thousand years ago it fits. Allso ! It was probably a product of willed eugenics, and not of natural evolution. The "holy" children with the sky in their eyes and the sun in their hair had a better chance of survival. Great for sacrifice and for export as well ! Probably selling hot blonds for human sacrifice to the protoarabs.