Hitler Gods Revenge on the Jews? "Serious post not a jo

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Let me put this out front this is a serious topic and not one of my normal "crazy raciest post" this why its going in Cold Sober.

    I was having this debate with a few people in a chat room the other night.
    They where a mix in the room of Jews, Baptists, and so on and so fourth.
    The subject of WW2 came up. Then it went into the holocaust and what not.

    The Jews went into how bad it was and blah blah blah. When I piped up with something had said about God earlier in the post. How God is vengeful and this that and the other thing.

    I said simply do you Jews in the room maybe think that maybe just maybe Hitler was revenge for what you did to Jesus? After all you do not believe he was and your suppose too be Gods chosen people yet he let something like the Holocaust happen to you. Don't you think if you where the chosen that God would have stepped in some where?

    The room got very quiet and then they started on how God would not such a thing. Which I replied the same God who flooded the entire world took out entire cities and so on and so fourth. All in the name of sin and revenge.

    What do you all think. Me myself I'm not religious at all. Also I do not believe in God I just enjoy watching the Religious types fight each other.

    But if there was a God or if I was God, And my Chosen people killed my Son better believe I would come up with some type of revenge.
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    People are stupid. Religion is the opiate of the masses.

    Religion is another control scheme by these most powerful of families and bloodlines. People only believe what they see, and these religions would never have taken off if there wasn't some validity to these miracles that were performed. Moses parting the red sea, fire and brimstone destroying Sodom and Gemorrah, hey, these are all things we can do nowadays. Healing a blind man with a touch, I'm sure they got it they just don't tell us.

    And so, people must understand that these religions serve a very practical purpose, to both screen out the rubbish as well as control our actions and how we think. The very people themselves don't matter, as long as the idea persists. And persist Christianity did.

    Hitler and World War II was another fantastic show that these most powerful of groups put on to lead us in a direction they had chosen and needed us to go. Not some punishment God has rained down on the Jews.
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I always forget to add something

    But the feeling of spiritual enlightenment and a oneness with our Maker always come from the flexing of our 4th nerve. The same thing that gets us high, makes us feel good while having sex, makes a non-believer feel the presence of the Lord, or allows someone who is meditating to expand their mind and see what's beyond our physical world.

    Here in America we like to play more than work, and so this part of our mind is largely unused. Our genetic material is compromised with fastfood and the impurities we expose ourselves to on a day to day basis. It is for this reason that the spiritual enlightenment of our country is in the dump, with so many tainted sources and peoples influencing the young minds that have yet to learn, and thus setting them up for failure.

    With the upset of this crucial balance has come our downfall. A lot of you will immediately dismiss me as crazy, but that's only because you are incapable of feeling what this balance is or what it is for. But in short, let's just say we Americans truly are the rubbish of the 21st century.

    That is why, when you ask me "Why would they do this to America, Smurf, it doesn't make sense you're an idiot," I have to shake my head, because it makes perfect sense. You just can't grasp why it is so.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    if your not religious then why would you point out that the "Jews" killed "Gods" son. Your neck is showing, and it looks awfully red.
  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Smurf, I work in the Mental Health field, and the question I have is simple.

    Why is it that all the psychotic clients that I see think and talk just like you? I swear Smurf, the themes and delusions are frighteningly similar.

    I guess that you will tell me that they are not crazy, and are just being held by the "government" to keep them quiet. That would be a valid argument, except all my clients are outpatient.

    You must make your family miserable. I am sure they are very concerned about you. I am concerned too.

  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I think the wording smurfslappa used (4th nerve!?) makes it seem more 'exotic' a concept than it actually is that he is describing. It doesn't look very crazy to me what he is saying? For example, it is obvious that modern living with all the accumulated toxins and overstimulation is going to cause us to lose use of the finer tuned end of the spectrum regarding our senses...just as eating artificial, over flavoured foods will prevent us being able to appreciate sutble, natural flavours, or listening to thrash metal at full volume prevents us being able to appreciate the full range of delicate sound a small waterfall makes when going from one to the other. Intuition is just a more highly tuned sense of self.
    And Barry, don't you believe in some totally crazy stuff - about virgin births, the dead coming back to life, humans walking on water etc.? But that's ok, because lots of people do, hmm?
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    religion is the opiate of the masses. Nice Marx quote smurf. Why does every post come down to conspiracy theories and how smurf is crazy. I don't think "God" is punishing anyone. I don't think "God" exists. Apparently neither do you, Grim, so why would you assume "God" was punishing anyone? You were just trying to offend them, just like you try and do in here. I ask again, if you aren't religious, why would you assume that Jesus is the son of "God." You're a racist and an anti-semite grim, you should grow up.

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