Just wondering if you've seen this yet. Street Fighter ownage. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6636935616931104479&q=ass
No disrespect guys, but I believe that once you have sex with a woman, this video game stuff will seem very boring. I could be wrong........nah. Barry
Video games shoulda been boring for me about 11 years ago then, but they aren't. Also I think you have had to actually play that game to appreciate that clip and how unbelievably freakin hard that is to do. And now that I think about it, I shoulda put this is the techno arcade section. Aww well.
What do I know. I actually had an Atari Pong Game when I was 18 years old. I was the coolest kid on the block because of that. My God, I even remember when the first color TV came out, and only a few shows were in color. More reason to shoot me. I'm OLD. Barry
Are you using my link? If it's faster--though I know its usually not, I might be on msn to help. (add: duma1224@student.suu.edu )
I really don't see what all the fuss is about... *leans back to kick-start wooden rocking chair* "I remember a time when I'd dish shit like that out on people I felt sorry for... Those were the days." I'm actually thinking about getting rid of about half of my arcade games to make room for some all-time classics, then make one MAME machine for all the 90's fighters (and everything else, come to think of it).
Believe it or not, the arcade games make great babysitters - my ex would get on Tetris and I wouldn't have to talk to her for hours...