Hey Joe come see something Crazy

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, May 26, 2007.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I'm supporting Ron Paul for the 2008 Republican bid for President. I've been researching him since the debate & after watching him speak on Bill Maher last night he is the best man for the job.


    I plan on making a donation to help in his bid for the White House. He is smart he is correct on his point and he should be the next President.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know making that donation and doing what you can is an expression of your freedom of speech. Go for it. I give him kudos for laying it all out there as far as his policy positions go. And his positions are what most Americans are concerned with. However the 2008 election arena will be designed by the news networks. We are about to be told that our concern is our (and this part is laughable) "failing" health care system. "Impending doomed economy" Blah blah blah.

    His relevant points 6 months from now will for the most part not even be in the playing field of debate.

    Hillary and Consultant Company wasted hundreds of millions in the 90's on government healthcare studies. That accomplished nothing but fill a lot of pockets. All of which seemed a conflict of interest but no one seemed to care. HealthCare is a really good tool to use by socialist. Of course one really should only have to point out that virtually all of major medical knowledge in the world is generated by the capitalist system. But that point is never brought up. As well as moot because. So long as there is someone out there making a decision to buy the 300.00 xbox 360 and reluctant to pay their 60.00 medical bill. That issue will get votes for the dems. Cancer is bad just look at the children doomed to die with no hair. While republicans laugh and mock. Elect Hillary and do away with cancer, pain, and bad hair days. I feel warm fuzzies group hug everyone.

    As for the economy. Think about how awesome it has been since rebounding in 2001 from the slump it was in. Now compound that with the fact that this is the case against extreme adversity. 911 stock fall out, several catastrophic events, 6 years of media preaching economic doom. All because Bush cut taxes and stimulated the economy.

    Two things have to happen to brainwash the people. The media just simply needs to ignore the positive results of the tax cut and act as if a 4.5 percent unemployment rate is something to yawn at. And now that the Democrats are in control the economy must be sabotaged. The media comes out with stories meant to give the impression of an economic house of cards thus leading investors to panic. A raise in minimum wage by a healthy margin will quickly cause and inflation bump as companies adjust to compensate as well as an unemployment as businesses lay off workers. This will be the start of the panic and doom and gloom campaign. Then as big investors see that it is likely a Democrat will win there really will be a panic.

    This will work well for the Democrats who will raise taxes at the earliest possible opportunity. Thusly slowing the economy and all the while blaming it on the Republican "house of cards" economy. The media will be the co-conspirators helping to make it all seem feasible. Everyone knows that when the Democrats raise taxes it will be the beginning of a slowdown. The trick will be to setup the impression that it was already happening before Hillary took office.

    I forgot about the polls. The polls will instruct you that the points laid out by Ron are irrelevant in the minds of the people. You will soon learn that you are concerned about other things.

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