:roll: I think they'd make a perfect pair... I know a place where you can get cheap prepaid international calling cards, in case she got deported...
Wow... Suicide... And to think that we knew her so well and could've... could've... expediated the process...
I never would have imagined a fuglyite killing themselves. You all seem to have a lust for life, that certain joi de vive.
"research ethics" is an oxymoron. Actually, my research project is titled "Can Ergonomic Keyboards cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in chronic Cybersex users." The early research indicates that the Syndrome may not be the fault of the keyboard. Who would have thought that? Barry
I certainly don't think Kit is dead. (However, she did a lot to distance herself from her former life here.)
Sorry, that was "feed" not "feel". That's what I get for taking speed to keep awake to try and get through my mid-years. Fuck I'm on! Fuck I'm on!! FUCK I'M ON!! God damn I feel like I could go for ever. Thanks. Yeah so, fucking uni is great. Holy shit. Umm yeah I am maintaining my GPA well.
Including moderation, LOMO. I knew some pot heads who had never really done speed but they thought it'd be cool to do a little and stay up all night packing their house for a move. I guess they spent the night packing and repacking the same box. Every heard of state dependent learning Reiz? The theory suggests if you studied on speed you should take the test on speed. Also, memory retreival is supposed to be better if you can study in the classroom you'll be taking the test in at the desk you sit at.