Schemed is pissed off going to bed, he told me to tell you to put $10 on the #4 hourse in the second race to place, and eat a dick
yeah some of us are too busy to give a shit to use it... why don't you amuse us all, by posting the results live, from the track today in this thread?
Well that would be about as much fun as tits on a boar pig. But hell which track Delware South Africa Woodlands finger lakes what track?
Why are you working so hard on your degree? So that you can eventually become a professor, which is the only job in America where being eccentric is expected. From there you can corrupt the minds of a whole generation of computer geeks, thus saving the planet from becoming a nerd bowl. Barry
Congratulations on the correct use of the contraction "you're". Did the sticky note help? I am glad to see that you are still teachable. Maybe the meth didn't do permanent damage. Barry
Seriously, at what point does cease to be English? Could this be the new Ebonics? Could we call this Illiteronics? Or maybe Trailer-Trashonics? Do you actually speak like this too, or did you lose your hands in some thresher accident and are typing with your nubs? Christopher Reeve could type better than you.
Christ you again, Get the fuck off it. Do you really think you attract the highest class of people to your site? Your on the same level as fart and pussy jokes so live with it. As far as my netlish and yes the word is NETLISH. Its just where you type as quick as possible to get your point across because if you actually did everything you had to post would be to long to be worth reading. Also the only fucking people that diagram sentences are JR high English Teachers. Also if you really want to get into it, The British and others call what we use Bastard English anyway. So Fugly why don't you run along and post another witty picture of a dog humping something so you can keep that hit count up and shut the fuck up.