Just wanted to say this is a fucking great site. I stumbled apon this site from the camel toe song and i can't stop coming here. Fucking awesome! Heh heh heh
I fucked off long before you even posted, but since you feel the need to bring me back, because you're a kiddy fucktard and you socially suck, then i guess i'll fullfill your need for human interaction. Randomly calling me a cocksucker really says alot about you. I think the reason why you did it is because you're a closet homosexual. Anyways, fuck going back and forth calling people queers, i prefer to spend my time gettin some pussy. You ought to try some out, it's great. :roll:
Probably not as much as you...but it's easier for you. You see, i have to go buy a $20 crackrock and drive to the corner, but all you have to do is pull the straps and the diaper falls right off. :twisted:
See? Not only is this site entertaining for the young lad, but it's also quite educational as well...
I can see this being asked of someone......... Q: Where did you get your education? A: University of Fugly...also known as "U. Fugly!"