This one? Well, now you (and anyone else who doesn't have the courage to think for themselves and who sheepishly cow-tows to authority) don't have to take my word for it. Hear it from the people in suits. ...and suck my hairy (metaphorical) balls.
Some good stuff in the vid. Taking that into consideration with everything else that happens in the world. Picture: We're fucked
Yeah the shit that the Chinese, Russia, and the E.U. are doing is frightening. They have to be stopped because what they are doing is terribly reckless.
Well, I just wasted another thirty minutes of my life. The video was very interesting. It did not revela one thing that I found hard to believe or that I wasn't already aware of. You completely miss the point of my arguments about your paranoid insanity. I will state it once again in an abbreviated form - 1. There is technology available that can drastically alter the earth's weather PATTERNS. I have no problem believing that. What is not true is the belief that this alteration is CONTROLABLE or CALCULATED. We simply lack the ability to cause a tsunami or hurricane whenever and wherever we want. It's just not reality, at least not in 2007. 2. Evn if it was possible for the US to control weather, it is insane to believe, and there is no evidence to support, the idea that we would purposely cause three devasting hurricanes to hit the mainland months apart. No country tries to destroy itself. There are too many people that would have to be involved to carry out such a conspirasy. Too many people for it to possibly succeed. 3. The problem you have is that you have little control over your personal world, and must create conspiracies and fantasies to explain away your fears and insecurities. Having a scapegoat such as the "government" for all of your failures eliminates your own personal responsibilty to get up off of your ass and go do something productive with your life. For a while this was fun. I find it very tiring at this point. Nursey I am sure you are a decent human being, and I have told you I actually like you. I have never thought that you weren't sincere in your beliefs. The thing that so irritates me is that you, (and thousands of others like you) chart a path for your life that is anti-social, anti-reality and anti-productive, and then sit there in your own excrement throwing turds at those of us in the world you are actually trying to DO SOMETHING with our lives. Life is more than just complaining and screaming about what OTHERS are doing. Go open a pastry shop somewhere and feed people everyday. Make enough money to pay some taxes and buy a decent car so that the auto workers can have a job. Stop supporting crime by refusing to buy or use illegal drugs. Serve on a jury. Give something to somebody that needs it. Give that life a try for a while, and see if the paranoia doesn't dissapate a little.
I think its more the point that we're slowly losing the freedom to do all those things and whatever else we take for granted and its going to get a lot worse. Its well understood there is considerable hell being planned for us over the next few decades. Meanwhile, instead of wanting to shout it from the rooftops and warn people, people would rather 'stay out it' for the mere fact is that we really don't care about anyone but ourselves and our immediate aquaintances anymore, hell its not happening to me, why should I bother? Of course we don't want anything to happen and it would be terrible if it does, but we arent the ones claiming anything, we are just attempting to bring your attention to things. You'd want to know the dog that ripped your favourite slippers and you'd want to know who stole from your office or wherever but on the other hand you remain quite destracted, even after our best efforts, from the people that want to crash the dollar, ruin america, kill 80% of the planet and generally screw things up for the rest of us and make us all slaves of money and keep us under surveilance. Remember money is only important to you and me, the little people. The people at the top don't need money, they know its true value; nothing. They want power and they are rapidly getting it through the force they have accumulated now the machines are going to start taking over and they won't need us, they won't need you either. You probably think all this is crazy science fiction mumbo-jumbo, though much of earths scientific development came from science fiction and it is some of the fiction that acts as a template for what we are heading into. I'd want to know that I was being made redundant.
The problem appears to lie in your definition of 'weather control'. An in depth knowledge of physics and mathematics would enable us to deduce i.e. calculate what the likely outcome of action 'X' at 'Y temperature' directed at 'Z altitude/depth' will be. And remember, Barry, there are such things as 'compooters' nowadays to better visualise and predict such complex equations. You don't have to actually, physically push the weather around the globe to be said to be capable of 'controlling it' if you are controlling the action which will result in the desired outcome. If you want to create a tsunami, you don't use technology to move a wall of water, you predict how much energy 'X' needs to be directed at a pressure point/fault line - 'Y' in one of the earth's plates to result in a naturally occurring reaction which will ultimately produce the tsunami. That is irrelevant. The point i am interested in making here is that the technology capable of manipulating the weather and producing earthquakes - for whatever reason - does exist. Do you agree? Here is what you previously had to say on the matter: Rather naive. Why are you talking as if you really know me? How do you know what i'm doing/not doing? Just because i don't come and piously gush about my good deeds like you and Limpy doesn't mean i'm not doing any, you condescending ringpiece.
I have yet to see any proof of scientific manipulation of weather in that movie and I watched the whole thing. It is an easy arguement though. I use an air conditioner to effect the climate in my house. So yes science has the ability to effect the climate. The issue is a bit more exciting if it is thrown out there in a conspiratorial fashon. Hey let me ask you a question. What experiments are China and Russia doing along the same line? Maybe there is something to be found on "What Really Happened" or Move-On's web page?
What!? You're leaving? Because i called you a 'condescending ringpiece'!? Just the last straw, for you, was it? Yet another humiliating, wet slap in the face with the cold trout of truth? Well, you can run, but it will always catch up! Bye then, Barry. Have a great mid-life crisis. And Gahd Bliss Amurika! A-men.