heard this recently - ***** (rating)

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by ExiT, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. ExiT

    ExiT New Member

    so two beggars are sitting on the sidewalk. one holding a cross, the other holding a star of david. as people pass by, they only drop money to the beggar holding the cross! one priest walks by and says to the star of david beggar "Why do you persist in holding a star of david next to this other beggar with a cross, when he is clearly getting more money than you?!". the beggar with the cross then turns to the other beggar and says: "moses, look who is giving us business tips!".

    if you didnt get it, blame it on the fact that it has to be TOLD not typed..and you're probably a gentile. i dno why i told it!
  2. stymie

    stymie New Member

    I got it, it just wasn't funny. Seems to me that was the most stupidest dumbass attempt at a joke in the history of the internet.
  3. di5

    di5 New Member

    hehe, i love being a jew

    (by heritage only-- I shun all religion)

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