Have fun with the poser!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Eagle334th, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Eagle334th

    Eagle334th Guest

    You know what? You guys want her? Then keep her. But, I'd love to see you thank us, atleast once, for banning her at military.com. Otherwise you would have never had the pleasure of knowing this cunt. And, to clear up any confusion that I saw earlier.. we weren't trying to get her banned from here (although it would have brought us some added delight). We were trying to inform some fellow humans about her fraudulant ways.

    She does seem to fit into this sordid bunch of fucked up assclowns. Gawd, I thought we were disturbed over at Fivepaknh's site! :shock:

    Who do you guys have?

    Nursey, with her man breasts, literally (from what I read), although, she does have some creative talent in her writing, I don't doubt that I'll one day see her on "Real Sex 99" on HBO teabagging a hermaphrodite with pink hair wearing a tu-tu, while screaming that it's all the Zionist Government's fault. Her mom must be so proud. In your own twisted way, I'm sure you'll thank me for that.... so, you're welcome.

    Pimpchichi, Nursey's significant something or other. One of what we, Americans, simply call a 'damn foreigner' who blames his daily woes on the big bad USA. Just because you can't get your shit straight, doesn't mean someone 1000 miles away is at fault. Find a new schtick.... your record is skipping.

    DrBungle. See above. Although, you are a bit more clever than your counterpart up there.

    Samanthasez appears to have problems with everyone, yet constantly makes references to fucking all the members. Talk about issues that Freud would have a damn field day with! Daddy didn't give you enough attention?

    ucicare.. guess what? I don't. You are that typical American that can't make up his fucking mind where he stands. You're for the War on Terror, yet you bash the very service members that are out there, and have been out there, every day busting their asses for fucktards like you. It truly makes me sick to know you are from my country. I don't care if you were a flaming liberal or a staunch conservative.. atleast stand for something! :roll:

    The only members that I see that have any redeeming qualities are Dubya 2.0 and Dwayne, and Whipone. None of them gave us shit, but actually rolled with what we were trying to tell you about Amy. Thanks, guys.. you are more than welcome at our forum.

    So, have at the fat cunt. Most of you do, truly, deserve her. I'm sure most of your medicine cabinets are chock full of the same med's, anyways. She's been proven a liar and a fraud over and over again (and it won't stop with just these forums), but as we've been told.. that doesn't matter to you guys. Sure as hell says alot to me about the calibre of member here. The name of the forum that you have all flocked to fits you so well, it's absolutely uncanny.

    See ya'. The others may stop back by, but my work is done here. 8)
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    wow.. nursey is headlining and she didn't even make an appearance... just took the money and ran... and i was first support act... IN YOUR FACE BARRY!!
  3. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member


    Take her fat head with you!
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Defeated twice in one week by the slimey Brit twins. How will I ever recover from the shame?

  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    You are excellent judge of humankind. Any three of the above would kill you in your sleep and rape your dead body. Well, maybe not Dubya, but he would hold the flashlight for the other two.

    Am I wrong?

  6. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    all I did was share my amusement of dropping bombs on women and children :(

    Oh, and PS, we didn't exactly invite Corpseman here, nor have we encouraged her stay.

  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    tsk!.. barry... they teach that in basic training you big oaf!!
  8. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Daddy?! Are you there?!

    I love our little home.
  9. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    It's spelled DWAINE you fuck knuckle!
  10. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    does any one even care for what you have to say/type?

    MEDICVET New Member

    you are such an astute judge of human character..words fail me..
  12. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    It’s clear your pizza deliveryman has never failed you, you fat fuck. Why haven’t you killed yourself yet? Doesn’t Home Depot sell rope strong enough, chubby?
  13. mia

    mia New Member

    Tut tut, thats a very mean thing to say, go wash your mouth out immediatley. And thats an order.
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Eould you just fuck her already, and stop with the foreplay?
  15. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Eould = Would

    Blame the vodka.
  16. fivepaknh

    fivepaknh New Member

    I’ll forgive your typos if you forgive mine.
  17. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Fuck off you fuckn butt pirate. The difference between us and you is we don't give a fuck about some fat essentially harmless admitedly annoying hoe bag posting here. It's called live and let live and don't read the dribble she posts. A fuking technique that seems to be to fuckn complicated for you dumbasses. So go suck a cock strapped to a flag polll you dumbass.
  18. campjwIII

    campjwIII New Member

    Great work Dan but

    Boy have you got the WRONG Number
  19. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Uh sorry that should be a cock with a flag strapped to it or somethin....uh huh huh huh.........uh huh huh huh.....yeah that's right .........uh huh huh huh I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO DO YOU INSULT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    why?.. nobody cares what she writes here.. and nobodys gonna be dumb enough to send money to strangers.. over the internet.. except for the gaggle of gonad grinders who galloped here to grill her...

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