Really come on now, We all know for the last year & half the weather has been a bit kooky. But from I would say from July of last year to present it has been down right bat shit crazy. It was around 65 degrees here on Thursday it dropped on Friday we had an ice storm and its been below freezing ever since. Pretty normal for this time of year except its been in the mid 70's all winter! Plus too top that I have been watching the weather and it seems the Weather Men themselves have no clue too what is happening. Just today I been watching what was on tap for today, It has went from Scattered ice storms to cloudy to major Ice Storms to cloudy again. Tomorrow forecast went from 23 degrees for a high to 43 degrees down to 33 degrees then back up to 43. This is down right out of control they have no idea what the hell is going on! I remember a time where they could do a forecast for 2 weeks and pretty damn dead on with in 2 degrees of the temp and what not. We had a weather guy here who had a 2 degree thing where if he was off by 2 degrees he gave his own money to charity. Needless to say he stopped doing that a year ago and he did it for almost 12 years straight. So when are they going to come out and tell us, That the earth has become unstable and they have no idea what will happen next? I mean New York Yesterday dropped for 60 degrees to below freezing in a matter of 2 hours that is just insane.
Well you see Grim, they got to pretend like they know what's going on because fuck, it's their damn job. Make money money make money money moneeeey. And yes Grim, the weather really is this unstable. Something to do with the magentic north pole struggling to get it's ass to Siberia is probably dumping all the cold on that side of the world and stopping the Earth's wobble. The jet stream has a lot to do with the Earth's electric and magnetic field, and it's dragging down an assload of cold every now and then for whatever reason. Maybe it's those black ops guys, or maybe it's just what the earth feels like doing, but the shit's going nuts and it'll get only get worse this year. This is the year all those dumbasses out there who still don't see it coming find out it's here.
Hehehe We were right and they were wrong. ( Or just plain evil ) So now they sit with a lot of cash and we are paranoid and ruined due to their ecoterrorist-scenarioes :x
Diogenes you're a dumbass. The weather has been getting progressively worse. All the signs that the shit is gonna come crashing down are still there. I just thought this whole oil imbalance thing was going to cause the depression to kick off, and some earthquake might too. But alas, it's taking a little longer. But the depression is still very, very close. Hmmm, it's possibly that they got that earthquake all set up, and they're just waiting to give it that little push to make it crack. Oh well, the weather hasn't exactly corrected itself and the world hasn't become a utopia. I'm still waiting.
How about radical unpredictable weather, and growing economy at teh same time ? People can take a lot more than this.
Yes, more than this. But the economies aren't really growing anyways, they're just about ready to crash, and the weather is still going to get a lot worse.
To me it seems its the biological systems that collapse. As the possibility to sustain life naturally disapears, it seems there will be more markets to controll. The less sustainence-farmers the more buyers of factory-foods. And as for crashing markets. Maybe they can just squeeze abit harder in anothr segment :wink:
The weather is getting crazier, but it's global warming, you idiots. Not magnetic poles, not the end of the world, not Santa taking off from the North Pole too fast. If it's really bothering you, do something. Write to your Congressman. Recycle. Protest. Sitting on your asses typing up conspiracy theories, or waxing lyrical on your soon-to-be-fulfilled plans for world domination, are doing fuck all for anyone. Including yourselves.
No, Chester, it is the magnetic north poles and the sun and shit, not just global warming you idiot. Hell yeah the factories and emissions and pollution is fucking shit up, but it's also what I'm talking about. The shit is so fargone there aren't enough letters and recycling programs and protests out there to stop it now. What we really needed was for that 60's movement to not get drowned out under a tsunami of cheap drugs. I'm not expecting my typings to move the world towards peace and the undoing of these evil plans these old guys are implementing, I just want more people to see what's happening too.
I haven't seen crazy weather like this since that time I activated that crazy alien shit in that Mars mountain!