I've no fucking clue who you're talking about, but I can't help but think of that classic flick, "Night of the lepus" Nothing quite like a herd of giant radioactive rabbits to ruin your day...
I don't think I've ever seen that show... I led a sheltered childhood... well, apart from the bloodthirsty killer rabbits and all...
Well, I remember it from re-runs in 79-80. Then again, you may be slightly younger than me. I am an old grizzly bastard anyway.
Man... I was suckin' tit between '79 and '80... No, wait... I've been suckin' tit ever since... (longer, even)
Holy shit...you really are younger than me. Of course, I was sucking tit at that same time, but nourishment was the last thing on my mind.
I wonder if a Russian chick would squirt vodka outta her nips if suckled... hmmm... I propose a field study be commissioned. Someone get me one of those Red Square Hookers!
They say if you brestfeed drunk the baby gets drunk too. I would recommend Tia Maria or similar though. Vodka and milk?
yeah, lupo is cool. must be on crack or something. eh to that vodka or milk thing: van it be vodka redbull? yeah well, that was this month's post. bye