Get drunk, then throw an ashtray in a strangers face!!! Then call your boss and tell him what you really think of him
I swear to christ IMC, if you come home drunk and turn off Ghost Dad while Harlan and I are watching it one more fucking time, we are going to string you up, cauterize your ass shut with a red hot fire place poker and sew your nut sack to your fucking forehead you fucking jew.
Why the hell does everyone think IMC is a jew? I have fucked more jewish women than he has (and the disturbing thing is that it is really true...)
Fuck with me, and I will replace ghostdad with Leonard PArt 6... and we know what Harlan does when that movie starts....
I need my job. Pays too much to burn the place down. The insurance is pretty kick ass. I never pay for bloodwork or xrays... i never pay for my glasses or contacts... or dental brushings... they are paying the majority of my ER visit and should be paying the brunt of my surgery bill. I haven't got it yet so I can't say for sure. It's pretty cool for now, but I'm fucked when I get fired. Should have stayed in college.