"Kwanzaa is a family affair and seeks to reinforce the bonds between parents and children, and to teach parents and children new views and values that will aid them in self-consciousness and providing support and defense for our people. Therefore, Kwanzaa is the time when Black Americans get together to give thanks, and to enjoy the blessings of living and acting together as a family. The following schedule should be used in preparing your family to participate in the Kwanzaa celebration." <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>December 12 - Begin to schedule meetings with family members to assign tasks for the Kwanzaa Celebration.[/list]
DAMMIT! Like I said before, even images of blacks can't post themselves without fucking up! What use are they?!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YoMamazAGreasyMoFo: Happy Muthafukkin' Kwanzaa Now display correctly this time, you coons!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah, they just won't work right will they?
I had absolutely no idea what the fuck 'kwanzaa' was until I started posting here. Thank you all for enlightening me and contributing to my cultural well-being.