Happy Helloween

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Oct 31, 2001.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Just checking in on the Fugly crew, seeing how Helloween went/is going...

    IMC: Did you get many trick-or-treaters tonight? What's the head count?

    Personally, not a one of the little bastards has rang my doorbell, and it's almost 9 PM... I guess sitting out in the driveway last year with some friends, blaring Charles Manson's parole speech, and breaking beer bottles in the recycle bin kinda left an impression on the little fuckers. Or their parents...
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I turned the lights off, opened the front door, and Im walking around naked with a flashlight "spotlight" on my cock and balls... needless to say, my neighbors are afraid to trick or treat at my house
  3. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    This has been the worst Haloween for me ever,no candy,no parties,and I'm not even shitty drunk. This fucking sucks.....
  4. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Wait a sec...my spelling is unusually bad,so maybe I am drunk.....nawww,I'm just a dumb hick.
  5. yomamazagreasymofo

    yomamazagreasymofo New Member

    Well, I had to avoid jail-time last year for putting mini-bottles of Absolut I had lifted from a plane trip into kids bags....so, I figured this year that I would just keep the alcohol to myself.

    I am sure the uninformed trick-or-treaters must have been unsettled, anyway. I passed out right by the front door, so with my not answering the door, and their being able to smell vodka and puke through the vents, they must have thought I was dead. And just to show how much my community loves me, not one of those shitheads sent the fucking police to even find out if I was dead or not.
  6. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    True story: 2 yrs ago, I was living in this townhome community, and a black family had moved in to the cursed unit next door. I say "cursed" because in the time I'd lived there, it had been occupied by a procession of various assholes, starting with a couple and their 4-yr-old female troll-child. The bitch-woman eventually drove her husband to escape, leaving her and her demon seed for me to torment in various ways. But that's another story.

    So come that Halloween with the new homies - and being in a townhome community, always a rich target for toddling candy-whores - on their door appears that afternoon a large, hand-painted sign that read, "Don't stop here - we don't observe SATAN'S HOLIDAY". I'd gathered by then from their Sunday routine that they were the church-going types - but what denomination, I didn't know/care.

    I & the few neighbors with whom I was on speaking terms had a good laugh the next day over that melodramatic stunt. Stupid cunts couldn't just leave it with refusing to open their door. They had to passively prosyletize, too - while getting it factually wrong in the bargain, as "Christians" are wont to do: Halloween is pagan in origin, not Satanic (but of course such distinctions of eeee-vil are beyond their grasp or concern.

    Yeah, it was around then that I started making their life as miserable as their fucking goddamn barky dogs did mine. But that, too, is another story.

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