I know it's not until next Monday, but I wanted to beat Rat this year... I got you some games and a fat skank:
I feel so... laaaahved... As for the picture, The sideart on the Centipede and Missle Command look pretty cherry, and the Galaga is nice, but probably a repro... and I'm still thinking about buying that guy's Phoenix (the game in the far back, sideart stickers over woodgrain finish)... And if the fat bitch would move, I could see what fucking game is behind her... :evil:
Upon further consideration, naaaaaaaah... Bitch is blocking some of the finest sideart to ever grace seven feet of pressboard...
yea it is monday now isnt it, Happy Birthday you fucking greasy ass fucking faggot cock sucking jew boy!!!!!!! i hope you sit on something uncomfortable.
Happy Birthday sLomo! hope your ass didnt get raw from the beer squirts. if it did i'm sure Barfy would rub some salve on it. *kisses
Hey! Happy Birthday Lomo! And now I understand why you got those new pants... Your having a fancy-dress party right?!
Thanks for all the kind words, all... I'm still celebrating (celebating?) my birthday in my perpetual drunken/etc. stupor... That reminds me, any females out there want to come down here and give me a post-birthday-ballwash?