Chee-dog birthday?!? May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch and your arms be too short to scratch... Happy birthday, bro! 8)
Thank you all for your wonderful wishes! It touches my heart to see you all wishing me well on that most glorious of all anniversaries. I would stand up and make a speech to comemorate the occasion... but I don't want any tomatos thrown my way. So I'll just say "Thank you and God Bless."
or maybe, just maybe you said it was your favorite day. at any rate, i had good intentions. fuckwit that i am.
Yes Groundhog day used to be one of my favorites. Until I found out that ; Yes! It too; is tainted by Pagan religion. It seems every holiday has Pagan roots. Except, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I guess that'll have to be my favorite now.
We need to celebrate Lazy Ni-I mean black history month. Remind me to bring down several 40s of Steel Reserve the next time I make it to Salisbury.
at least we gave them the shortest month. bet they are too dumb to realize it too. that or no doubt are complaining about it.