Happy Abu Graib Day!!

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by NurseR, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. NurseR

    NurseR New Member

    Since the Liberals (thats the fuck faced socialists in the USA, for you non USA folk), have decided that they will "honor" the anniversary of the Abu Graib hystrionics, by speaking about it, every year, on the year in honor of those Muslims terrorists who want to kill, maim, murder us. (I know, thats a HUGE run-on sentance, just a rant). Led of course, by Ted "I got away with muder" Kennedy.

    So, we are having celebrations at my house, in honor of this new Holiday.

    BBQ, some naked pyramids, putting a pair of underwear over my dogs face, studded leash, to the doggie park. And giving a big thumbs up to anyone that looks at us.

    Oh, and as another poster suggested, doing the "Lynndie" to all songs.

    So, how are you celebrating this new holiday?
  2. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Oh, I don't know- but whaddya think of my sig? Ain't it great?

  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member


    how come you must be eaither liberal or conserative? what about independent? I mean shit we are all people, and we are all equal... except for peurto ricans, they stink
  5. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Yeah, and Costa Ricans make shitty food. I hate your fucking beans and squash assholes.
  6. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Can I please use that sig too? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, you know.

    And NurseR, can I get some directions to the party? I will bring some Polaroid film and handcuffs.

  7. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    But of course, Barry...I will even change mine.

    CBWIFE New Member


    Excuse me...being the "new bitch on the block" may I ask where that sig line came from....my hubby is looking for a new "skull" tattoo! ;) Thx!
  9. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    so does a liberal = democrat and a conservative = republican ?

    what seems to bother me is the mentality of republicans, especialy young politically ignorant ones. with them its republicans or nothing at all. i hear, if you dont like it some much why dont you leave you democrate peice of shit. or you liberal cock sucker against the war ect. it seems kinda fuckin stupid to me for people to say dont it? after all they take advantage of so many democrate initiated laws. 40 hour work week, workers comp, children labor laws ect. btw what happen to afganastan? did we run off on a tangent of war?
    you republicans talk about how we are number one, how we are the super power of the world. well then why the fuck dont we act like it, do we have to degrade them by having a naked man pyramid. i mean come on thats childish shit, something a 13yrd would think of.
  10. EngrOpsNCO

    EngrOpsNCO New Member

    Right, elitism is a Republican forte.
  11. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    point being i hear them boasting about how the US is better than any other, how the people are the best, ect ect. but the way i see people approve of the "abuse" of the prisoners says otherwise. if we are so much better as people how come you and every one else dont act like it. whats next a circle jerk and a pissing contest on saddam? a little scat to top it off? as for this war, i dont approve of it but i didnt vote i didnt have time to, i live in a red city anyways, if i voted i wouldnt be surprised if a fuckin lynch mob rabbles out side my house screaming LIB! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE US.
  12. EngrOpsNCO

    EngrOpsNCO New Member

    I believe the bragging isn't about us as in the people being the best.

    It is the form of government, how it was founded and the continuation of that government is what we are proud of.

    Another thing, no other country airs it's dirty laundry like we do. We are our own worst critics.

    I don't know of anyone who "approved" of the abuse of those prisoners initially, but after being hammered about that issue to the exclusion of much more serious issues (like beheadings) some people got pissed. The approval and equating of the torture to hazing is just a natural reaction to the over exposure of that event.
  13. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Frankly, I not only approved of them, I thought that's what one DID in war: subject the enemy prisoners to abuse...their only downfall, as I can tell, is that they actually we're stupid enough to take pictures of the whole soiree.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator



  15. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    You're just jealous, Monchichi.

    Did it take you all day to come up with that scintillating collage?
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Worked all day on that one did 'ya Nursey dear? :lol:

  17. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Is there an echo in here?! I just said that!
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Cliches to the double!!! :eek:

    P.S. It only takes about half an hour for me to locate and post the urls of seven pictures i uploaded months ago. Sometimes i fail to appreciate what it's like for you normal people.:|
  19. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    You remind me of the female version of The Mad Hatter.
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Posted the same thought at the same time. It was inevitable, Samantha dear. We have connected, and out brains are sharing thoughts telepathically. Can you hear what I am thinking now? :wink:


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