Hamas wins Parliamentary majority - Your views.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Reizvolles, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I am usually not at all political. I say, leave the politics to the politician. Not that I don't understand it, just that I can't stand the human scumbags that call themselves politicians. But this I can not ignore:

    Hamas swept to victory over the long-dominant Fatah party on Thursday in Palestinian parliamentary polls, and Israel immediately ruled out talks with any government involving the Islamic militant group. I believe the group are terrorists, plain and simple. It has carried out nearly 60 suicide bombings in Israel since the latest uprising began over five years ago. Hamas has largely respected a truce for nearly a year (so the fuckers could get into parliament).

    Hamas won an overwhelming majority in the 132-seat legislature, taking 76 seats to Fatah's 43 in Wednesday's election.

    Bush appealed to President Mahmoud Abbas to stay in office and vowed Washington would not deal with an armed Palestinian group advocating Israel's destruction. Hamas rebuffed demands to disarm and change its charter. Abbas has since resigned.

    Olmert, who took over from Ariel Sharon after he suffered a stroke three weeks ago, said in a statement Israel would not negotiate with a Palestinian government that included members "of an armed terror organisation that calls for Israel's destruction".

    I think, with the Iranians pissing and moaning on one side, and now with terrorists in control of the Palestinian parliament, the shit is really in the fan now.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It does seem the situation has hit dire straights. Was it ever more than that? I mean did Arafat ever legitimately desire to peace and the idea of Palestinians living in peace with the Jews?

    Just a thought but could it be that the reason Hammas existed for so long is that 80 percent of the Palestinian population have always wanted the total destruction of the Jewish state. While some sided with Arafat could it be that was only for the purpose of gaining through diplomacy while unilaterally gaining through terrorism at the same time? Seems that they are emboldened by Sharon’s retreat. Seems that they are totally convinced that the recent gains they have experienced were due to the success of Hammas's terrorist tactics, now they have bloodshot eyes drunken with the intoxicating idea of victory. And like the Hammas charter that means total and complete abolishment of the Jewish state.

    If one believes that the Bible is not some mere coincidence if there is actual documented history to be read. Reading the Bible one will see that many times off and on throughout history the Jews have bee backed up against the wall and in a bad way. When things seem to be the worst they miraculously over come. I think things will turn around again; I have no idea of the timeline.
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Its all being planned behind the curtain by Iran, The thing too me is they have the bomb but no way to get it to the the jews.

    So they rigged the elections, and are going to use the new counrty goverment to get the bomb closer to end it all.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member


    grim that seems kind of silly and isn't backed by anything concrete...... it's not hard to smuggle anything anywhere if you have money.... and believe me.... countries have money..... even drug dealers have money to buy subs, dig tunnels, pay off officials.... shit if mexicans can dig dozens of concrete tunnels 1.2 k long to smuggle TONS of drugs than iran can find a way to get a nuke into israel....
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Redneck + Smurfslappa + Fuglyforums =

  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I doubt they yet have a bomb.
    But the idea that there is a need for nuclear power is a joke a huge one at that. They are the second largest supplier of Oil in the world aren’t they? I mean oil fired steam generators can power the whole country for pennies.
    Not sure weather the elections were rigged either and not sure which is scarier. The people legitimately elected an obvious mental case. Or the election was stolen by a radical such as him.
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Iran does not have the bomb, but they have the means of delivery. Yes ! Rockets with the range. ( Their ability to penetrate israeli airspace is another matter. The strategic weakness of small landmass becomes the strategic strength of having to cover a small airspace for incoming.

    Hamas winning the elections can be an opportunity to solve the problems of factions with seperate strategies for struggle ( Fatah vs Hamas ) Hamas now is more or less were Fatah was 30 years ago.

    As long as the palestinians can get behind the same diplomatic line its a step in the right direction.
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    That statement may prove to be prophetic Grim. Very scary.

  9. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member


    They HAVE rockets that can reach Israel.
    They are iranian adaptations of chinese silkworms.
    They produce that stuff on their own now.

    So Grim ! They do not have the bomb.
    The press would report the difference in
    politician-behaviour if such was the case.

    USA can not afford to attack Iran. close to half
    the worlds oil goes through iranian pipelines.
    They could let their jihaadis swarm Iraq. Can
    the world economy support 200$a barrel ? No !

    The pivotal point is how Iran would react to an
    airstrike by Israel. I gues that is answered by the
    newly appointed primeminister.
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Good to know that we only support democracy when the person elected is someone we like. The palestinians elected who they wanted. Should we not recognize palestine and it's right to elect it's own sovereign leaders. Most of the world doesn't like Bush, but for some reason they still deal with him.
  11. smiles

    smiles New Member


    heh dil... that's like saying americans shouldn't bomb television and radio stations in countries they dont like because they're "spreading propaganda"
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    yeah, that was an Al Jazeera station they blew up, and the only thing worst than communists is media that won't report what you tell them to.
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i was thinkign more along the lines of ever tv and radio station in yugoslavia..... but yours is good too
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Yeah, I tend to go with more recent examples first. Yugoslavia is a good example, their's quite a few examples now that I think about it.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I think America has been quite accommodating. I mean look Dan Blather is still alive isn't he?

    The day U.S. makes it a policy of not bombing news outlets is the day enemies of the U.S. think :idea: ok the US has spy drone aircraft so fine then. I'll just send in reporters to all of the areas I want intel on and watch the state run television channel. What idiots.
  16. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I think the friction between Hamas and Fatah is going to develop into a civil war. They are too busy bickering among themselves to look at Israel.
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Of course they bomb the media in times of war. You can have limited wars , ofcourse, with agreements of leaving infrastructure alone. Typical for wars were two parties have an interest in keeping hostilities alive.

    Most nations have studios hidden away for the purpose of moral and info for population during war. Thats a target all right !

    Yes the palestinians are bickering, just like in the USofA.
    BushJr said: "Thats how democracy works" well put Georgie boy !
    Maybe this can finally get Hamas to the conference-table.
  18. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    I think a Hamas win is the best thing possible for Palestine.


    Because now they have legitimate power their behaviour will change markedly. And because they're the true representatives of their people, instead of stooges or puppets, this change will be reflected throughout the population.

    Bullshit? Consider two historical precedents.

    Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA, takes control in Ireland. England, predictably, says they won't deal with them, yet Ireland is now more stable than at any time in living memory.

    The ANC wins the first free elections in South Africa. Orange Free Staters choke on their breakfast cereal, yet slowly but surely South Africa is becoming the more inclusive, less violent country the rest of the world hoped it might.
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Good point. There are multiple examples in history of a society going with it's zeitgeist and electing the person the people really "wanted." Germany was behind Hitler to a large degree, and that didn't turn out so well.
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Chester while I fully understand your position and actually hope you are right. I am a bit more skeptical of the Hammas movement. I think there a bit more radical than the IRA. Hammas wants total annihilation of the “Infidels” from Israel. Actually that’s giving them to much credit there real goal is annihilation of infidels period end.

    In any other situation we would call that ethnic cleansing. Given the desperate position Israel is in, I would not blame them if they completely cleansed the whole Palestine region of all Arab and Palestine people. Not deport them “cleans” the region. Then there is no debate over whose area the land belongs to. I mean do we not have a double standard here?

    You have a party elected to office on the idea that if elected they will wage war against the infidels better than the current regime is doing. And it’s commonly known that their idea of waging war is to rid the region of Palestine of all Jews. Since the Jews have more means to wage this war the time is now for them to start dropping bombs on men women and children right? We should not say anything because we can’t get away with backing Hammas and ridiculing the Jews when both acts the same way can we?

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