This Halloween, I didn't take any pictures. I had a bit of a problem at the end of the evening, and as a result, haven't made contact with the person that was taking pictures. But I'll be damned if I didn't pose for a few great ones... When I get a hold of the guy with the camera, I'll post...
Have you hit your idle BMI and buffed back up a bit yet, Grim? You should post your Halloween pics and really show him.
Oh. I get it. You didn't 'hit your idle BMI then buff back up a bit and BAM looking 22 again'...AT ALL, did you? Meanwhile, Dan struts about flexing his lean torso to the squeals of his trio of giggley fuck-sluts and kicks sand in the face of the sweaty, pot-bellied dumpling. Very disappointing.
Oh I get it you don't know shit from shine-ola I didn't take any Halloween pics cause I didn't do shit. In fact I havn't taken any pics of myself in months because I'm not a shallow asshole. Also Nursey for someone who never posts any pics of themselves you have no room to be judging anyone about anything. I'm still doing my diet and working out everyday. When I choice to post pics of myself I will. I take no demands from you or anyone else.
Is that 'poca-hotass' on the left? And who are you , dog the bounty hunter? Or did you go as Dio? I pitty the fool....
Good. But i hope you're being as truthful about that as you said you'd be about any previous homosexual experiences if they existed? The worst thing would be if you were lying about both. Then you'd be a queer, waddling, fatty-gonad like Elton John.
Well is it or isn't it?!?!? How am I supposed to sleep at night!?!?! Why won't anyone answer me?!?!?!