HAHAHAHAHA......ok maybe not

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by rossco27, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. rossco27

    rossco27 New Member

    a little girl see`s her dad getting undressed to go for a shower. she points to his dick and asks what it is....he replies "thats my little bird" then she points to his pubic hair and asks the same question...he replies"...and that my little birds nest" well later that night theres a huge thunderstorm and she has to sleep with daddy coz she`s scared....no probs there. but in the morning the dad awakes to find himself in hospital with the most awful pain in his groin. he looks round and see`s his daughter sitting by his bedside and asks "WHAT HAPPENED???" she replies..............."well daddy the thunderstorm woke me up so i started stroking your little bird to take my mind off it...but it spat on me so i choked it to death then burnt it`s nest"

    *takes a bow*...ok next.....

    a woman gives birth....and the doc tells her and hubby theres bad news and good news. they want the bad news first. so the doc takes them to the maternity ward. theres all the newborns lined up in a row. they walk up to the first one...it has no arms or legs. the woman breaks down crying "oh noooooooooo!!" the doc says "that isn`t your baby" so they go to the next one....the baby has no arms,legs and no body....just a fucking head lyign there" this time the woman drops to her knee`s screaming "OH MY GOD PLZZZZZ NOOOOO!!!" the doc says that isn`t her baby either......on to the last baby. when they get to it theres an EAR lying on the bed and the woman is now hysterical. the doc says the good news is it`s alive...but the bad news is............it`s deaf!!!
    i look forward to all the nice posts complimenting these 2 "jokes"
  2. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    well rossco.... aptly named... maybe not indeed....

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