H5N1 - The expected flu pandemic

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    A couple of different angles...

    And a more in depth article on the subject:
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA) Turns Governors into Dictators

  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Keyword, "dozens" of people. They have no way of knowing if it will transmit to humans. Even if it does it doesn't necessarily mean it will be a pandemic. Remember how worried everyone was about SARS. That killed about 1200, and they're making an even bigger fuss about this. Potential does not necessarily indicate probable.
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well we'll see where things go when these migratory birds littered with the Avian Flu get here. I think that's just their cover to implement the Plague-O-Tron 2000. But we'll see... this is gonna be one awesome ride down dudes!
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Doubtful, even if the avian flu does break out, how many people do you think it will kill worldwide? Couple hundred, maybe a couple thousand. Assuming that 30 million worldwide get it. It has a 50 percent fatality rate in a 3rd world country, specifically Thailand. How many people do you think would get infected before it was under control? I doubt it will remain as virulent. It will lose it's edge with time, like just about everything does. If they're expecting it, that means they're working on a vaccine, and I've read the research articles that say they are. Why assume the worst. Have a little faith in private enterprise. Their is a whole bunch of money to be made in selling vaccines for "the worst virus I've ever seen or read about" I seriously doubt that it is worse than Ebola, Lassa fever, or Hanta virus'. Honestly Nursey, think about it.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Isn't one of my angles that perhaps the vaccine itself will cause more fatalities than the illness it's supposed to prevent?
  7. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Indeed possible. But improbable. I would think the vaccines, if sold by a private company, would be distributed through personal and local physicians, not FEMA or some other ass-backwards government agency. That being said, most doctors should know the patient well enough to know if the vaccine would have a large side effect, and especially so if it would be fatal. But I can't take for granted that what you're saying is not going to happen. There is some messed up stuff going on in the U.S. healthcare system. Thimerosal anyone.

    MEDICVET New Member

    My question is how many deaths it will take before the fact that it has managed to go from human to human will become appearant?

    Not that it has yet..but I honestly think it is a matter of time, and that time is running out.
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Even if it does I don't think the odds are very good that it will kill many people. Remember, they've confirmed x amount of cases, that doesn't mean those are the only people getting the virus. For all we know it's already made the jump and isn't spreading the way they thought it would. I don't think that's the case, but it could be.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Avian Flu Fright - Politically-Timed For Global 'Iatrogenocide'

    A Public Health Warning and Political Essay by a Harvard-trained
    Author of Fifteen Books Including the American bestseller,
    Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?
    By Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH


    If avian flu becomes more than a threatened pandemic, it will have done so by political and economic design. This thesis is supported by current massive media misrepresentations, profiteering on risky and valueless vaccines, gross neglect of data evidencing earlier similar man-made plaques including SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS and more; continuance of genetic studies breeding more mutant flu viruses likely to outbreak, inside trading scandals involving pandemic savvy White House and drug industry officials, curious immunity of these pharmaceutical entities over the past century to law enforcement and mainstream media scrutiny, and published official depopulation objectives. With the revelations and assertions advanced herein, the public is forewarned against this physician assisted mass murder best termed "iatrogenocide.* This genocidal imposition is expected to serve mainly economic and political depopulation objectives. Continue...
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    well yeah, Bush wants to militarize and the only reason the flu of 1918 did so well was because of WWI. Move troops during a Pandemic? Yeah, I see what's up...
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Doesn't follow smurf. The reason that the flu did so well during 1918 was because of the massive number of people in cramped enclosures with poor sanitation. Remember that the flu hit wounded soldiers, the poor, and the elderly the hardest. These were all people who tended to huddle in large groups without any dispersion. They transmitted the flu from person to person, and when you couple that with the fact that many of these people were wounded or already had a compromised immune system from their conditions then you get a pandemic. Can't have a plague without rats, now can you?

    MEDICVET New Member

    I see all the stuff going on in the media, and with all the 'real news' going on, you wouldn't think that they would need this for 'make news', so I think that the govts of the world are genuinly concerned about this. Tamiflu stocks are almost out, people are hoarding all sorts of things that might help, such as elderberry, etc, and I think when they say we are overdue for a pandemic, they have a point. But would I take a vaccine myself? To tell the truth, I don't know.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Did anyone read my last link?
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member


    MEDICVET New Member

    I just now read it, nursey, sorry I didn't do so earlier. I find it oddly disturbing that both you and smurfslappa have resourced links that lead to the same homesite, yet oddly enough, not surprising.

    Be that as it may, I too have had my doubts as to why on earth scientists would 'bring back' the spanish flu, that has not been in existence, for supposedly 'research' purposes, and it does concern me that if the avian flu has not yet jumped from human to human, that scientists seem bound and determined to do just that in order to 'research' a vaccine.

    Looks like Kings book was pretty damn prescient..

    and the walkin dude is around..
  17. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    So it has come to my attention, if the articles I read are true and I really believe they are, that the bird flu is here, and it's mutating fast inside our fat, bloated, unhealthy, chemtrailed bodies. The Pandemic is going to hit us fast and hard soon, and the military police state is coming.

    Some assholes hit a University's Labs where we had Spanish flu samples. They took all that shit. "Two Georgia Tech dorms evacuated after suspicious devices found" Of course the event is highly censored.

    Just like the OU suicide bombing a week or two ago "In Bombing At OU Stadium There Are More Questions Than Answers"

    The assholes who did it were these guys. "Germany is looking for 14 fugitives in the DR" The article says, "Dominican security agencies are looking 14 Germans, wanted by that country’s authorities, for drug trafficking, fraud and tax evasion, among other crimes. The country’s investigative and airport security agencies were alerted of the German racketeers entering Dominican territory, and that the German government asked the authorities’ collaboration to locate about fourteen nationals from that country who are now fugitives after committing diverse felonies."

    This is the plane they were in "Mystery Behind Plane Unfolding"

    Now of course when they say they're looking for these guys, they always have them charged with some ridiculous crimes.

    Geeee, and about that earthquake in Pakistan and you all were laughing about how I'd say the US did it. Well fuck yeah, I am. India will be an awesome ally in the coming years "Bush wanted 'to go beyond Iraq', mentioned Pakistan"

    I hate all this shit.
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The world's only hope for stopping the flu pandemic was blown up here in the good old US. Back in March actually, and the cure was actually found on the HIV-1 virus itself. The implications were staggering, and the scientist was of course murdered. Pretty awe-inspiring... http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index702.htm

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