I got my advanced copy last night. Admittedly, it appears to be a rush job. It lacks some polish but, whether that is by design or lack of effort, it still has some great vintage Van Halen songs. Due to some legal issues, I imagine, there are some limitations. The bassist for the game is Eddie’s son Wolfgang Van Halen (no sightings of Michael Anthony.) And the band members look as they do in 2009 with short hair, wrinkles, et al. Also, the VH set list stops at the “1984†album. You won’t hear/see any “Van Hagar†tunes on this version. But, of the old tunes, “Mean Street,†“Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love,†“Unchained,†“Runnin’ with the Devil,†“And the Cradle Will Rock,†are there for the great riffs. Also included are instrumentals, “Intruder,†“Cathedral,†“Spanish Fly,†and “Eruption.†These are crazy difficult. I think I pulled a muscle attempting these on Expert in “Practice Mode.†In addition to the VH tunes, are 19 guest band songs that include, Queen, Foo-Fighters, Blink-182, Billy Idol, Queens of the Stone Age, Third Eye Blind, and more. BOTTOM LINE(S): There are some great songs on there but I’m glad I got it for free. It doesn’t add anything to the genre, but can act as a new set list or a stand-alone game. If you’re looking for “Right Now†and “Cabo Wabo,†steer clear. If you like the old DLR VH, it’s ok. And if you must choose between this and the Beatles: Rock Band, go Beatles.
The kids playing videos will finally come to respect real rock talent. Suddenly guitar bands will be back! Nest comes Ozzy's Tribute to Randy Rhodes edition. Rock on!
Except for my kids who are into Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers. Their Motto: If it ain't on Disney Channel.... it's not music.
Where do you live, San Fransisco? JK My boy (9) likes Disturbed, Drowning Pool, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, and Korn (some). My girl, (13) likes country. I guess my boy rides in the truck with me enough to pick up on whats good and whats crap. Oh, and he hates hippies, like points at them and says "hey dad look hippies" and snickers. I think I'm raising a little a**holes.
I thought Van Halen was David Lee Roth... I think I am confused my kids like different music... everything from old punk, industrial, and booty music, 80's... 9 year old REALLY loves the Cramps Now if I turn on Country... johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, or Hank... they both get pissed off. .. oh yeah they hate Klaus Nomi and Sinead as well. . . but sometimes I play them just to watch them get mad. OH At the dentist they had the Hannah Montana movie on... I kept thinking ... I wouldnt mind doing her daddy and living off my step daughters money... he is kinda hot .
Van Halen was the name of the band that started in the 70s. The original members included Eddie Van Halen on guitar, Alex Van Halen on drums, Micheal Anthony on bass, David Lee Roth on vocals. After 1984, David Lee Roth was thrown out and Sammy Hagar took over on lead vocals. Somewhere around 1996 Sammy Hagar left and Mitch Malloy was cast as lead vocalist. Almost immediately Gary Cherone was brought in to replace Mitch. Then around 2003 Sammy Hagar came back and Gary Cherone was kicked to the wind. 2 years later, Sammy was gone once again. Then three years ago (2006) David Lee Roth was brought back into the band.... but the bass player (Micheal Anthony) was replaced by Eddie Van Halen's son Wolfgang. This synapsis has been brought to you by the Florida voting commission. We hope this has brought clarity into your life.
And by the way... I think I would come in my pants if I came home and found my kids listening to Van Halen. I've tried everything in my power to introduce them to "REAL" music but it's lost on them. The Beatles are regarded as "Horrible Noise" and the Eagles are "Very Annoying". I suppose to keep anyone's attention nowadays, you have to rap about the last time you had sex or synthesize a heavy bass line and put meaningless lyrics like Poker Face behind it. The only other way is to win the karoke contest known as "American Idol". Hell. You don't even have to win. Just be in the contest. Thank you Disney and Ryan Seacrest for giving this country nothing but studio manufactured crap to listen to!
My 8 year old daughter likes to sing and since I'm playing GH:VH, she's belting out "Unchained," "Mean Street," and "You Really Got Me" among others. She doesn't know the former two yet, she just reads the lyrics as they pop up onthe screen and tries to follow along. I'm trying to raise my kids on the classics. They still are into JoBro and Hanna but I let them listen to Skillet in the car so we can rock out.
My kid likes what I like, Skinnard, Metalica, ICP. Fuck all that Disney shit, I dont even let him watch Disney.
You let your kids listen to ICP??? I can deal with Skynard and Metallica, but ICP??? Shaggy and Jay are not people I want my kids listening too. Might as well throw in some Grave Diggaz and Body Count.
Insane Clown Posse? Never took them serious but don't they sing that song "Let the bodies hit the floor" if so I do kind of like that one. But no doubt fuck all that Disney shit. My wife tunes into the new bebop shit it all sounds the fucking same to me. Some lyric with a hook that repeats itself. No freakin talent at all if you ask my opinion a pretty face (maybe) and a voice regurgitating the same market analyzed and commercialized shit they are fed by the producers. I'll get off my soap box now.
yeah don't poison your kids by letting them watch/listen to Disney, Let them listen to ICP while hanging out while mommy turn tricks at the 7-11. That's just good parenting right there.
They are two rappers out of Detroit who dress like evil clowns. Frankly, they've got some funny shit out there on the market. "Slim Anus", "The Neden Game", "Lil Somethin Somethin". They also rap about "The Dark Carnival" and killing people.... but they are not to be taken seriously. For fuck sake they rap in clown make-up. Actually, Dwaine is pretty good buddies with them. Maybe I should ask them to do Cheeze Aid......
Now see there what do I know. Lets just hope the ICP gets violently murdered in some very painful way. Maybe they will eventually run into this guy...... or...ah... girl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSILex-2Uu8