Great Deluge

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Everybody talks about it. There was a lot of light before it happened. Then there was a lot of water. After it happened, people had trouble lighting fires. So what happened? A star went nova, possibly Saturn, and ejected an assload of hydrogen which then combined with the oxygen in our oxygen-rich atmosphere to make an assload of water. It sure ate up a lot of oxygen, which is why the people had trouble lighting fires after it happened.

  2. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Hydrogen and oxygen combining creates a shitload of heat. Consider how the zeppelin exploded.

    So, among the many logical inconsistencies of your ... erm ... "theory", you're suggesting that the entire planet was consumed in a zeppelin-like fireball?
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    No no no, the hydrogen was coming in from space, so it would have enveloped our oxygen-rich Earth, but not immediately mixed in with it. Also the charge difference might of played a part in keeping them separate. But as the oxygen began mixing with the hydrogen in the higher elevations of our atmosphere, it made the humongous rain clouds our ancestors from all over the globe came to remember.
  4. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Look, if a star went nova and it was anywhere near where Saturn is in relation to the Earth, we'd be vapour. Not to mention that if this happened during any period of human history, there'd be emphatic evidence of it still around.

    You post some crazy shit, man. This is up there with the best.
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    This whole thread is just great entertainment... :lol:
  6. SPOooOn

    SPOooOn New Member

    When exactly was this? . . And was dwaine anywhere near.. He could starve an entire country from air with one bowel-movement
  7. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Found this on a theological forum, posted by "The Phantom". Is that you, smurf, or have you and he been drinking from the same contaminated source?

    Interesting that even on a theological forum, this crackpot theory gets the short shrift it deserves. Even the converted aren't convinced by this one, smurf.
  8. Totalrecall1982

    Totalrecall1982 New Member

    Wow that made for an interesting read this morning.
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    So I guess you suppose the great flood didn't happen at all? And what about all the light they saw right before the flood happened, or the trouble lighting fires?
  10. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Most civilizations have a myth or fable about a great flood. Plato, for example, talked of the city of Atlantis. This general concurrence of stories from multiple cultures would suggest some kind of massive rise in water levels happened.

    The most plausible explanation, and the one backed by the most scientific evidence, is a land strike by a comet or large meteor during the last Ice Age.
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Hey, I just stuck my nose in for a quick sniff.........hummmm.......smells like bullshit.

  12. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Let me guess, you prefer the "God made it happen" theory?
  13. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I bet he does. But even God has his ways of performing miracles, Barry, if that's what you chose to believe.
  14. SPOooOn

    SPOooOn New Member

    If thats what you believe.. he'll be the only one doing the miracles. .
  15. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Being compelled by mercy and all that. There have been major floods in human history. At times they have devastated whole cultures. The idea of a deluge as described ib the bible is ludicrous. A flooding of the whole of the land between the two floods happened. But the weak suspicion that the chitter at this blog comes from such that will then ask; "what two rivers".............

    In pliocene the mediteranean was flooded after a breach in the herculean wall. ( Gibraltar )
    8000 years ago the black sea was flooded by a breach in the landbridge at the bosporous. ( Creating the aryan migrations ).
    3000 years ago. When Thera blew up and destroyed the minoan trading empire. ( The best candidate for atlantis ).

    A few days ago I saw really strange weather here in Guate. Winds out of nowhere and a midlake creation of sudden storm, followed by gusts of rain.
    The lightnings that came later
    were weird.
  16. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Strange weather? Excellent! But what about the great flood in the Hindu Religion? I think they'd be able to distinguish between a great flood and a really bad monsoon season...
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    But the floods will happen during monsoon or equivalent wet season anywhere. All the great sites of early civilisations; ( as defined by cities and hierarchies ), are in fertile floodplains.

    That these stories merge during time is no wonder.

    Just like gods merge, untill the notion that its just one G-d. ( One set of rules ).
    Check out Utnapishtim in the Gilgamesh epic poetry of the Sumerians. Thats our Noah !
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Or someone else who got word to prepare for the impending flood?

    In the Chaldean story of the Deluge, as told by Berossos, Kronos (Saturn) disclosed to the king Xisuthros that a universal flood would begin on the 15th of the month Dasios. Abydenos says: “Kronos announced to Sisithros that a flood would pour from above.

    There's also some other ancient stories, some Norse legend about everyone hopping in a chest and saving themselves from the flood. Either way though, everyone agrees the water was deeeeeep. Like you'd better by at the top of a mountain deep.
  19. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    How about the flooding of the black sea ?

    Utnapishtim alias Noah probably did the most daring dash ever. On a larger vessel , ( maybe prepped for taking on the indian ocean ). How far up the river this event takes place is interresting. If Utnapishtim is washed far at sea...............( Maybe all the way to africa ) ? The Gilgames-epos speaks of a great journey by sea to go to the abode of Utnapishtim. ( Who is granted eternal life by the gods, for his exploits ).

    A cargo of animals would be a great way to stay alive. I am quite shore that its possible to backtrack such a journey :)

    Read it: Its got the gift og life and the snake and all. Compare and be befuddled :wink:
  20. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    One idea would be to look for signs of inland lakes in the mountainous region where the tigris and eufrat are born. A lake that at one point is caught of by glaciers. As the weather warms and the ice rots, eventually, a tropic deluge from the indian ocean, could breal the ice and combine a normal flooding with a disaster.

    If this smart guy Noah, knew from some traveling relative, that the ice up there was rotten, and he saw the seasonal rains tearing away..................

    The city-priests might not get it , though.......................

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